How to Programme the H9 Max

Home Forums Products Stompboxes How to Programme the H9 Max

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    • #113627

      Hi All

      Only had my H9 a few days and i am feeling rather overwhelmed with it.

      Could someone please tell me how i alter and echo so i only hear the repeats when

      i stop the strings and not on every note i play.




    • #144103

      Do I take it no one knows or have I asked the wrong question?

      Ok how do I programme The Shadows echoes into my H9 Max please.

    • #144105

      Hi there!

      You might like to try the Ducked Delay algorithm, which can lower the volume of the repeats whilst you’re playing and bring them back up when you’re not. Check out the algorithm guide ( for parameter info.

    • #144106

      For Shadows, you could try the MultiTap algorithm. The ‘echos’ I hear in my head (Apache or FBI – I don’t remember which tune I’m remembering, lol) are produced by the different taps on a tape echo. You could also try TapeEcho. Either way, the number of repeats is set by the feedback parameter. Again, check out the algorithm guide.

      Btw, because each forum post is approved by an actual person it can sometimes take a while for folks replies to appear depending on their time zone.

    • #144107

      Hi Guys
      Ok thank you for the replies I will try what you have suggested.
      Apologies for my impatience but it is very frustrating having such a powerful and expensive piece
      of kit that I am having trouble getting to grips with.

      Let’s put it down to a senior moment and start over.

      Here’s hoping for more success.


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