how to set up 2 h9’s for pre/post routing?

Home Forums Products Stompboxes how to set up 2 h9’s for pre/post routing?

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    • #114298

      Hello everyone,

      I have looked for this in the search button and I cannot find it.  How do you set up 2 h9’s through the pre/post feature using your amp loop and the front of the amp?  can this be done? if not is one behind the amp and one always in front?  I figured out how to do both using the loop but have not figured out how to route both in front and behind like the instructional video shows.  it only shows how to route 1 H9



    • #146947
      Eventide Staff

      We have no experience of this, but I can't see why you cannot run the units in series.

      Make sure that KILLDRY is off, for obvious reasons (meaning that parallel loops are problematical, buthis is always the case for multiple units).



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