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April 2, 2009 at 4:35 pm #106157
ParticipantAt the risk of being rude, I'm throwing this out there should the Eventide people want some input for a new release. Incredible pedal as is, but if an update is made it would be nice to see:
1) longer delays and tempo operations added to the microshift algorithm.
2) As others have requested, more scale modes on diatonic algorithm(s).
3) a global setting option for the expression pedal.. much like global tap tempo.
April 2, 2009 at 5:07 pm #118453
ModeratorOn the contrary, we welcome your ideas and continue to compile them for potential inclusion in subsequent software upgrades. So, keep those ideas and feature requests coming!
April 4, 2009 at 7:32 pm #118462
ParticipantThe LPF option on Pitchflex is nice, but I'd like to see an option for attack, because when I'm flexed up 1 or 2 octaves, the playability of the sound becomes a bit mushy, almost like a portamento effect. This makes it difficult to navigate quick passages with a musical sense of urgency.
Aside from this, and the RCV CC# PED post I made earlier, this is a very useful and well thought out piece of gear.
April 5, 2009 at 7:50 pm #129615
Participant– the ability to restore 1 preset instead of all.
April 6, 2009 at 1:33 am #129617
Participanti second the motion for more scales…specifically minor harmonic and minor melodic
April 8, 2009 at 12:35 pm #129626
MemberGreat idea, melodic minor deffinately!
April 9, 2009 at 8:49 am #118488
ParticipantI like the idea of some more "eastern" sounding scales
April 9, 2009 at 8:41 pm #118489
MemberYes…Definitely harmic minor,pentatonic,and probably blues as well
There are 3 or 4 more fairly essential ones, but without harmonic and penta, it is a a NO SALE at this point
I think people would rather have more scales than all the 'unique' types of harmonizer/delay algorithms…..
I am very dissapointed to find out about this…..I sent my Nova back when I heard about this..Guess what?The Nova has lots of scales
Of course the pitch factor(and any other eventide pedals) will sound better than that unit, but it is amazing how many harmonizers out there only do the 'natural' scale……And now even Eventide!
April 14, 2009 at 12:28 am #129641
The LPF option on Pitchflex is nice, but I'd like to see an option for attack, because when I'm flexed up 1 or 2 octaves, the playability of the sound becomes a bit mushy, almost like a portamento effect. This makes it difficult to navigate quick passages with a musical sense of urgency.
?Aside from this, and the RCV CC# PED post I made earlier, this is a very useful and well thought out piece of gear.?
I agree whole-heartedly with this. I feel like this is a major detriment to the pedal. The pedal tracks so much nicer than any version of the whammy but the attack is not as fast. During fast passages it becomes unusable in Pitchflex mode. The portamento effect is driving me nuts. I want to keep this pedal, but if this isn't fixed in an update, then I am afraid that I am going to have to sell it.
In addition to the requested additional harmonies, I would also like to see chromatic harmony like that of the whammy pedal. I.E. all perfect fourths, or all Major 6ths etc.
April 14, 2009 at 5:50 am #118497
MemberI'll throw in a suggestion that jumps out at me after the first evening's experimenting. This is a small one, but I think it would be a charming little addition. In Quadvox mode, add a 'random' grouping option to the 'delay b' knob that adjusts A B C D placement (great idea for a parameter, by the way!).
I LOVE this pedal and so far it has made the strongest first impression of the three Factors. Thank you!
April 14, 2009 at 8:23 am #118498
I like the "random" idea too
April 14, 2009 at 7:28 pm #129645
Memberrandomization and more scales would be great.
my biggest personal desire is for programmable/user-defined scales and arpeggios, or a programmable algorhythm that would let you achieve counterpoint with the harmonies. i.e., you set your scale, key, and the harmonizer would play intelligent harmonies that were not just a fixed voice above/below the note you play– they could be, say first 2 notes, a specified interval above, and 3rd note a specified interval below. there could be a number of different "counterpoint" algorhythms defined, just as there are multiple arpeggio patterns.
it seems that the harmonizer has all the tools there to do this, it just needs to have the option added. this would make the guitar parts sound more natural and "human" the next time you want to play harmonized iron maiden riffs or whatever– counterpoint would also sound better for the more orchestral voicings like quadravox. you could play one-finger string-section parts, little chamber music pieces, whatever.
that, and the ability to user-program arpeggio patterns and scales, would make the pitchfactor truly dreamy. i'm still learning to use mine, and there are infinite possibilities, especially with the aux switches/second foot control. i've waited years for a pedal to come out in this format and price range that does these things– this kills the whammy and everything else on the market.
April 17, 2009 at 12:04 pm #129653
MemberCouldnt agree more on adding more scales. And being able to name your patches would be a blessing to me, overall i am loving this pedal.
April 18, 2009 at 12:01 pm #129656
ParticipantI think Pitchfactor is a great pedal, but there are some major tracking issues that need to be resolved and updated.
When playing moderate to fast lead lines, both Harmodulator and Pitchflex can't seem to keep up the tracking and produce a sort of "portamento" effect on the harmonized notes, as mentioned in previous posts.
The tuning of the harmonies is sometimes flat, even with slow lead phrases.
April 25, 2009 at 9:52 pm #118529
ParticipantIs the hardware identical for all of the Factor pedals?
One pedal to rule them all would be nice… having the ability to mix and match Time/Mod/Pitch patches.This, of course, would be called the Max Factor and would cause no end of copyright troubles 😉
April 25, 2009 at 10:03 pm #118530
ParticipantFor the modes that use pitch detection, having MIDI out send note on/off would be a wonderful addition.
The possibilities of options in implementation might be a little daunting I'd imagine,
mostly with when NoteOff commands would be sent.Some sort of MIDI note input would be nice. you could play a chord on a keyboard to set Learn Mode.
Or…in Diatonic or Quadravox modes, a MIDI note on would set the interval in round-robin fashion,
note off might optionally set pitch to unison mode or mute the level completely.Just an idea, difficult to implement I know.
May 8, 2009 at 9:22 pm #118586
ParticipantI believe that this aspect of midi output could be used for scoring and guitar synth apps in DAW software (polyphonic output would be nice). What I would like to see are the H3000se mod factory presets,especially presets like "all pass detune" and the like. Also granulator/slicer effects(i.e.Korg Kaos KP3 pad) that are pattern editable that and time/BPM tempo and beat subdivided would be killer. I don't care if this makes it to the Pitchfactor or Modfactor but get 'er done…pronto!!! And of course user definable scales are a must and would be a crime of omission that would be most unbecoming of the company that began this feature in harmonizer effects.
May 13, 2009 at 10:16 pm #118600
MemberI'd love to have access to the tuner in both play and bank modes. When I have to detune or tune up between songs playing live and I'm using different banks for each respective song, not having to switch over modes twice would save precious time.
May 13, 2009 at 10:29 pm #118601
I'd love to have access to the tuner in both play and bank modes.
Alas, not enough foot switches.
But, you can use the AUX switch or MIDI to bring up the tuner. One of these might work for you.
May 13, 2009 at 10:45 pm #129720
ParticipantOne or two user defined scales, that you could create in system mode and access in diatonic mode, would seem to answer everyones different need for more scale modes.. and be futureproof…
May 15, 2009 at 2:06 am #118605
MemberI think it would be beneficial to mute the signal when in Tuner mode.
Please! 🙂 -
May 15, 2009 at 4:23 am #129725
Page 15 of the User Manual says that, in System Mode, you can select
either bypass or mute, when Tuner is enabled. System Mode instructions
are on Page 43. -
May 15, 2009 at 4:54 am #129726
Page 15 of the User Manual says that, in System Mode, you can select
either bypass or mute, when Tuner is enabled. System Mode instructions
are on Page 43.wow, thanks a lot!!
i must have overlooked that… 🙁 -
May 19, 2009 at 4:25 pm #129737
ParticipantPlease someone let me know if I've missed something in the instruction manual, but I'd love to see the following possibilities:
1) Whammy/Pitchflex with delay (have added a Boss DD-7 to my pedalboard only for this purpose).
2) More specific control of the 'Milliseconds' for delay, even if I can only set one Global ms time of e.g. 450 ms that is then applied to all my delayed pre-sets. I would greatly prefer this to setting tempo then beat sub divisions etc..P.S. Absolutely loving the Pitchfactor for the rest and can't wait to see the next update!
May 21, 2009 at 10:30 pm #129741
ParticipantI had mentioned before that it would be cool to have longer delays and the tempo function on micropitch.. to have synchronized spiraling ambience type things..
Then I noticed that micropitch was the only time based effect across any of the factors that doesn't have tempo operations… Was there a reason for this???
May 28, 2009 at 2:59 am #129753
ParticipantI agree with added delay time. As well, I'd love to see a deeper filter sweep via expression pedal on the crab bass preset.
June 1, 2009 at 10:19 pm #129761
ParticipantAny one else notice that the harpeggiator seems kinda LOUD? I would give up one or more controls for an ouput level control.
June 27, 2009 at 4:04 am #129860
MemberI have been able to control the volume of this effect with picking dynamics … but an output level would still be a nice.
June 28, 2009 at 2:06 am #129862
MemberThe above post is in reference to the Harmodulator effect … I'm slowly learning how to use the quote function in this forum.
Has anyone else noticed a significant volume boost when using the quadravox effect to process high gain tube distortion? I was able to tame this a bit by decreasing the wet mix, but it would be nice to have some way to keep a 40% or greater wet mix and have preset-specific way to attenuate the pedal's output level.
June 28, 2009 at 7:05 am #118746
MemberI'm also loving the pedal and especially appreciate the new scale provided in the beta (which is working quite well). This might be a long shot, but given that the pedal already has to recognize the note being played and has midi out, would it be conceivable that the software could send midi notes thru a software/firmware upgrade. There is a new product recently released by another company that's receiving quite a bit of attention, but it seems Eventide could do this better.
August 2, 2009 at 7:15 pm #118876
ParticipantOne thing that I would find very useful – though I'll be the first to admit that it might have fairly limited appeal – would be the ability to be able to use an aux switch to be able to toggle between Source Instrument settings, i.e. between Guitar and Bass for example.
I do live looping ambient performances where I often switch off between guitars, basses and Chapman Stick over the course of the performance; it would be great if I could change the Source Instrument setting on the fly quickly using an Aux Switch that way.
August 26, 2009 at 4:26 pm #130082
ParticipantAnother idea: it would be great to maybe have a combined "GUITAR+BASS" Source Instrument setting to allow for extended range instruments such as Chapman Stick, 8-string guitar, etc.
For example, my Chapman Stick's lowest playable note is a deep A#, with its upper range going well into guitar territory; the nature of the instrument allows me to play in both ends of the range simultaniously.
August 26, 2009 at 7:14 pm #130083
MemberI agree with Har and would add that, since the "synthlead" input tracks fast single note lines better and "guitar" tracks polyphonic better, it would be great to be able to remotely change the source instrument setting or, better yet, be able to program the setting to individual presets.
October 1, 2009 at 7:38 am #130272
Member– I'd like to have finer and less "jumpy" resolution of the PitchFlex sweep when using an expression pedal.
-I'd also really like to be able to modulate the octave filters based on a subdivision of the midi clock and be able to choose low pass or bandpass filtering.
October 4, 2009 at 5:38 pm #119154
MemberI know this may sound silly,but is there any suggestions on settings with the Pitch Factor that can closely re-produce the kind of tones Steve Vai gets on tunes like "Tender Surrender" or "For the Love of God" or anything he did with the DavidLeeRoth/Whitesnake colaborations,his work in the "Crossroads" film as Jack Butler,also other known Eventide users such as Satch,EVH or Petrucci, does anyone have any advice or settings they could share?I just turned on my P Factor 4 the 1st time today and am not that good or patient @ button mashing & knob turning & don't have the extra $$ for the Eclipse or more expensive rack effects.Not trying to make my tone exactly like there's but I am a student going 4 my bachelor's in jazz & will be performing "Tender Surrender", for my recital,PLEASE help!! thanx……Lance
October 6, 2009 at 4:24 pm #130301
MemberI went and demo'd the PF and the thing that struck me was the lack of patch naming. In a live situation you really do need to see that you've got the right one and having to refer to something you've written down is, well frankly, prehistoric.
Also its essential that a way be found to cycle down through the patches as well as up. Now I might not have had it explained to me very well and there might be a way, but this seems very badly thought out.
Its a pedal so its intended for live use and these are serious drawbacks for me.
Can anyone correct my impression? Am I misinformed?
Thanks, Hywel Harris
October 6, 2009 at 4:31 pm #130302
We did not include patch naming initially because of the limited display capability (7 or less letters), but so many people are asking for it that we are trying to find the best way to add it.
In the latest software, you can use the encoder to adjust the bank number either way.
Many people also use MIDI, which gives you full and immediate access.
October 6, 2009 at 4:36 pm #130304
Participantthat's goo news about the naming
Lance – you can also use an external aux footswitch such as the digitech one to step down the preses
October 6, 2009 at 5:37 pm #130305
We did not include patch naming initially because of the limited display capability (7 or less letters), but so many people are asking for it that we are trying to find the best way to add it.
Good to hear that. How about a scrolling screen. At a push I'd be happy with 7 characters. I'm old enough to remember MSDOS 8.3 file naming
October 6, 2009 at 6:36 pm #130306
Participantdude! you have made me feel old by saying that you are old enough to remember 8.3 naming!!!
But yeah scrolling sounds good but hey I would rather have 7 characters than nothing.
October 7, 2009 at 11:01 pm #130322
Member…thank u badmelonfarmer,do you know how much the digitech 1 costs??do u mean i can change or cycle through the presets w/ that aux footswtch,how about control the pitch or harmonizer too??i have the boss gt-10 which also has an xpression pedal,can that control the pitchfactor when used in conjunction w/ the gt-10??thank u for your help,much appreciated!! -Lance
October 8, 2009 at 9:38 am #130325
ParticipantHi Lance,
The Digitech foorswitch is the "Digitech FS3X" and in the UK it costs arround £35, I am sure someone could also make one for you if the FS3X is the wrong size for you.
you can assign the buttons to different funtions, so you can leave the buttons on the front in tap temp mode and have the FX3X as the bank mode of up down and another function for example.
as fas as using a GT10, I have no idea, I have never used one. Do you mean the built in expression pdal on the GT10?? hmmm, maybe if the GT10 will pass midi expression out to the Pitchfactor… but I have no idea and am not a Midi person.
If you mean a separate expression pedal that you have plugged into the the GT10. I did try a similar thing once where I had a splitter built and I was trying to use a Boss expression pedal to control all 3 of my factor boxes….it technically worked, BUT was not at all practical as you could not really have more that one box switched on at a time without things getting crazy. I am sure you could spend some time playing with it to get it to work that way, but i did not have the time to put into it.
October 8, 2009 at 10:27 am #119197
MemberI'm really digging the Pitchfactor the more I get into it. But, more than anything in the world, I would really like to have a variety of basic timbres available for pitch shifted voices. It would be especially cool if they were based on fundamental wave forms (saw, square, triangle, etc.).
Also, the synthonizer effect cannot track a bass guitar at all. I definitely think this should be addressed as quickly as possible.
If you guys could give the Pitchfactor a quarter as many "flavor" options as my trusty Modfactor has, it it would definitely be my favorite pedal by a landslide.
October 8, 2009 at 4:16 pm #119201
the synthonizer effect cannot track a bass guitar at all
Have you set the UTILITY/SOURCE value to BASS ? p.53 of User Manual.
October 8, 2009 at 9:12 pm #130331
Memberthanks again for your advice,sounds like a great idea & affordable too,i will probably end up buying the digitech,just waiting 4 a guy 2 call me back right now from the eventide company to let me know my options,concerning the gt-10 and all,thanks again,i'll letcha' know… -Lance
October 8, 2009 at 9:38 pm #130332
ParticipantNo worries, glad to be of help.
Would be interested to hear what you learn about using the GT10 with it, so please let us know.
Good luck.
October 9, 2009 at 1:10 am #130333
ParticipantHere are my suggestions for a future update for Pitchfactor:
– ability to assign and save different UTILY/SOURCE values for each preset, so that, for example, one preset is optimized for chord tracking, another for single notes, and another for bass.
– expand Quadravox to Octavox so that 8 pitch shifted, delayed notes can be produced, each with it's own pitch and delay time.
– downloadable updates that can be saved on memory sticks or on a computer's hard drive
October 10, 2009 at 12:10 pm #119219
MemberHi, I've found this "bug":
With Global Tempo OFF, and MIDI OUT clock enable, if you pass from a preset to another one with different tempo the MIDI Clock doesn't change.
November 15, 2009 at 7:04 pm #119479
ParticipantFor me, the biggest improvement would be custom scales. For quite some time I used a TC Helicon Voice Live as my guitar harmonizer, and the things that are truly awesome about it are:
- The ability to create custom scales
- The ability to name everything
- Song mode – where you can select a particular song & then move to multiple steps within that song with each step having it's own scale, key, etc
What I don't like about is that it is optimized for vocals, so lot's of warbling occurs; it has a HUGE footprint on my pedal board; and it is not transparent at all – it really messes with my tone. So I was thrilled to see the PF hit the market. But I cannot use it all on a couple of my songs because it just requires too many changes with split-second timing. On the TC I created a scale that worked perfectly for those songs & I only had to hit a button once during the passage, with my PF it takes 6 or 8 switches to accomplish the same thing.
Use the Xnob & the Ynob to accomplish this. The Xnob selects the note coming in, let's say "D" for example, and the Ynob selects the harmonony like this: +1G would mean it plays the first G that occurs above that particular D, +2G would play it an octave higher, etc. You could then select any note & set the first harmony any way you want it, so if I set the note coming in to D & the harmony output to "+1G," then the in to D# & the out to +1G, then the in to E & the out to +1G, I can play the chromatic climb D-D#-E & the first harmony will stay at a consistent G. Now for the second voice I say if the incoming note is D then the harmony should be +1B, for D# it's +1A#, & for E the harmony should be +1C. This way I can actually have one voice (mine) moving up, one voice static, and one voice going down then up. (Which would make my harmony theory teacher from high school very happy!)
I hope this explanation makes sense. You guys would absolutely be untouchable with that addition. The other things I seen mentioned here are all good, too, but with this tweak to the scales you guys would rule.
Thanks for reading my long post!
December 14, 2009 at 1:51 pm #130764
The ability to create custom scales
Absolutely. I have had problems creating the harmonies for Bad Company 'Can't Get Enough' and settled on C Myx followed by C Maj but the harmony guitars aren't in any particular key so a custom scale would have been ideal here.
Keep pushing for it.
December 14, 2009 at 2:45 pm #130765
MemberNo news about any update soon?
January 21, 2010 at 9:26 pm #131008
MemberWhen I use Effect with tap tempo for example HarModulator if I adjust tempo while I'm playing the audio makes strange holes, is possible to resolve it in next update?
Thanks, Marco
February 2, 2010 at 7:28 pm #119888
ParticipantIt would be great if the maximum delay time in Quadravox could be increased to 3000ms or more. With four voices, the maximum delay between each voice when evenly spaced is only 350ms. Actually, I guess I'd like a full second each, so that'd be 4000ms.
And add me to the list of those hoping for nameable patches.
February 3, 2010 at 11:09 am #119892
MemberNameable patches are just a great idea…The time passes and no one has any news about update for pitchfactor, Modfactor and Timefactor have their regular updates…but Pitchfactor
February 3, 2010 at 3:52 pm #119894
ParticipantSince I haven't seen anything on a PitchFactor update lately, I thought I would re-post my wish-list with an addition or two to "bump" the subject. In order of priority (for me, anyway) here's my list:
1: User defined scales! See my previous post on how to use "X" & "Y" knobs to do this.
2: A "knob de-activator" or "lock" mode for live performance (I'll explain below)
3: Patch naming. 7 characters or scrolling, either will work for me
What I mean by "knob de-activator" is this: A utility that allows you to disable the knobs during a performance. At the last show I was in a diatonic harmony mode & a guitar or mic cable grazed the encoder knob & suddenly I was in Harmodulator mode! I have had this happen at least 2 or 3 times while on stage, where I am suddenly in a different effect than where I started, and I don't really understand why. It seems that the encoder knob should not react to something that slight. Or is there a glitch that could be causing this? I am cobbling a little plastic box to cover the knobs for the next show, so we'll see.
Okay, that's all I've got today! Thanks, guys. Eventide rocks!
February 10, 2010 at 5:26 pm #119980
MemberWhen will be released the update?
February 20, 2010 at 7:43 pm #131206
MemberI personally would like to see just the minor pentatonic scale added. I t would make doing the Allman Bros and Thin Lizzy a cinch.
February 21, 2010 at 2:36 am #131207
ParticipantOne more idea. For diatonic presets, it would be cool to be able to chose two scales. One as the default and the other as the fallback scale when I play notes outside of the default scale.
For example, let's say that I'm playing a song that's mostly in G but modulates to D# occasionally.
That way I could set G Major as the default scale but as soon as I play notes outside of G, like D#, I could make the PF harmonize with those notes from the G Phrygian scale (or D# major).
This could be useful even in cases where there's no modulation. Sometimes playing outside of the most obvious scale is more interesting and having control over what notes the PF picks to harmonize against those, would be powerful.
February 22, 2010 at 7:57 pm #131216
ParticipantIn addition to my earlier post (increasing max delay time in Quadravox mode), I really like the following ideas:
1) tomasgunn's two-scale idea. Very nice and extremely useable.
2) cgnbob's minor pentatonic request — I didn't even realize this wasn't an option! That's so basic I can't understand why it wasn't there in the first place.
3) The many requests for custom scales. Yup. Great idea.
4) The universal request for naming patches.
BTW, just got a Modfactor over the weekend and I'm itching to give it a go — but I've been too busy!
February 22, 2010 at 8:34 pm #131217
MemberI´m dying for an update. Anyone at Eventide, can you give signs of life????We´re a few that we´re waiting for the update…
February 28, 2010 at 8:10 pm #131247
MemberReading the posts regarding the GT-10, which I love and the PF. Doing configurations now. Will let you all know.
Cheers from w nevada
March 2, 2010 at 2:22 am #131254
MemberGT10 and PF,
Works as expected. Pick your stuff and save.
BTW I have a second piece, a Carvin V3, which is midi also and a monster for the price. Cant shut it off by midi but AB this with the GS-10 with a paralel loop through both. Electronics geek here, but I can use my pedal board with either, no hitch, no problems. I just need more than 15 channels.
Back to the basic deal, the GS will change patches on the PF.
Play with it all and you will make it happen.
Cheers from N NV
March 11, 2010 at 7:06 pm #131301
MemberI'd like to add my vote to the following update suggestions:
-customizable scales
-ability to custom name presetsOther comments:
1) I have some reservations about how dedicated Eventide's programmers are when updates are few and far between and, when an update shows up, it never gets out of beta.
2) Its probably just me and my limited understanding of electricity, but I find it very disquieting that an electronic gizmo of this calibre doesn't have an on-off switch. Since one must currently pull the plug, is it safer/better to unplug it from the adapter end or from the PF's end, or does it even matter? A note about this in the manual would be nice. -
March 11, 2010 at 7:15 pm #131302
We don't fit an on/off switch because the unit takes little power, and it would be easy to hit it by accident. If you want to switch it off it is best to unplug the adaptor.
This is the first time this issue has been raised.
March 12, 2010 at 5:16 am #131316
MemberI just got mine today. I'm impressed of the features, tweakability and most of all the sounds!
About the synthonizer: for me it would make more sense to have more control of the core sound itself than having the reverb (even though you can get cool Zawinul-sounds with the combination). The feature I miss most is control over the portamento, which seems to have fixed value (or is tweakable somehow?). Another option could be having only one attack-control for both A and B and use the extra knob for this purpose.
March 16, 2010 at 6:39 pm #120157
bryan r. tyler
MemberSome sort of adjustable attack delay that would allow the Pitchfactor a bit of extra time to process the notes would be at the top of my list. While the Pitchfactor has a ton of unique and fantastic-sounding features, the polyphonic tracking isn't anywhere near as good as it is on the Electro-Harmonix POGs. Those pedals have a very slight delay (maybe 10-40 milliseconds) which I imagine allows the DSP to process the notes a bit longer and thus the better tracking. I'd gladly give up a small bit of attack time if it meant better polyphonic tracking.
April 4, 2010 at 3:55 am #131436
MemberAnother thing I miss bad is the 3rd octave down on Pitchflex-mode. One of my greatest hopes with the pitch factory was to go up a notch from whammy. Otherwise the machine does everything that whammy with a lot of tweakability just as I hoped, but the divebomb is propably my favorite whammy function. Please add the extra octave and I'll be forever grateful. Thanks!
April 6, 2010 at 3:33 pm #131448
Thanks for the input. A few things you can do (if you haven't already tried): You can set delay A or B to like to 10 or 20 ms and/or set the source mode to BASS to get improved polyphonic tracking.
Also, a small thought on the POG. If you notice, it only does octaves and 5ths. These are perfect integer ratios of a fundamental. I would guess there is really no "tracking" actually involved in doing this. A perfect 5th is always a perfect 5th, and and octave is always an octave. There are signal processing constructs that allow efficient harmonic generation of perfect intervals. However, doing 2nds, 3rds, 6ths, 7ths is a different ball game b/c the shifting depends on scale and the input signal.
April 6, 2010 at 4:24 pm #131449
ParticipantI have what might appear to be a rather odd request, concerning the before-mentioned glitch in the current software version that causes random unpredictable portamento and mis-tracking "chirp" effects under certain conditions…
Mainly: I actually *like* that sound….a LOT. 🙂
And have been using it quite often in my music (it actually wound up becoming a core tone in a track for my upcoming album)…I'd really hate to lose this after this "bug" would be "corrected" in future versions of the PitchFactor software.Of course, I fully understand that this isn't something most people actually enjoy as well!
So, if/when you do ever figure out what is causing that portamento/chirp/etc glitch in the current software version, would it perhaps be possible to have it still be available as some kind of optional mode to be turned on/of by the end-user? Maybe something like "Classic Glitchy PitchFactor Mode". 🙂
April 6, 2010 at 4:49 pm #131450
ParticipantExcellent idea Har. There is definitely a portamento/glitch in the current software version and the ability to switch this on and off would be fantastic.
April 7, 2010 at 7:09 am #131452
Memberthanks for the input:
do you have any estimated time of release of the update?
April 18, 2010 at 5:49 pm #131514
MemberI agree that when playing passages quickly, the tracking becomes suspect- this is particularly disturbing when using the Octaver, pitchflex etc… can this be corrected? Here is my wish list-
1) More scale options (pentatonic, harmonic melodic hungarian, synthetic modes…)
3) Output control over certain modes (similar to the output fix for the rotary on Modfactor)
4) Naming would be cool- but tracking and scale options for me are FAR more important….
Thanks- I own all 3 factor pedals, and really love them….
May 7, 2010 at 1:32 pm #131635
MemberI don't know if someone have already said but a good idea is to make the steps value of arp sequencer programmable by users. So you can make your own arpeggio.
Thanks, Marco
May 10, 2010 at 12:54 am #131641
bryan r. tyler
MemberI apologize for my late reply- I somehow missed this post. I do currently have the unit sourced to BASS (tried GUITAR as well). I've experimented with the delay, although it makes no difference to the tracking- the delay comes after the pitch shift occurs though, so I'm not sure why it would. While the POGs may have processing that works in the way you describe, it would still be expected that the Pitchfactor, being a much more advanced unit, could at least keep up with them as far as tracking polyphonic 5ths and octaves, which unfortunately it can't. Another example are the old Boss pitch shifters. I use an old Boss VF-1 rack effect- it's antiquated at this point, but it's still a fantastic unit IMO. It has a couple pitch shifting algos in it, and you can alter the input delay to allow for better tracking. I can input any interval/chord and pitch shift it to any scale degree and it will play without warbling. There's obviously a small bit of delay, and the tone doesn't sound as natural as the Pitchfactor, but it works very well, and I'd really like to see polyphonic tracking at least as good as this on the PF (I can record comparative samples of both units if you'd like).
July 2, 2010 at 6:07 pm #131744
Memberup on here, to see if there´s some answer to our PITCHFACTOR FIRMWARE UPDATE PETITION.
July 4, 2010 at 5:13 pm #131745
ParticipantI think there are a lot of good ideas here. I strongly agree with the OP's request of longer delay times in the Micro Pitch mode.
i'd also like to see tracking improved in possible.
July 25, 2010 at 8:13 pm #131781
ParticipantHere is an easy one… after fumbling through a song live where I forgot to set the key in the diatonic mode before song started… I had no choice but to hit a few squawky notes with the PF engaged while I hit the learn button and set the key right…
If it were possible to set the key, via learn mode, when a when a diatonic or quad patch is loaded but BYPASSED… that would be awesome.
August 23, 2010 at 12:04 pm #131877
MemberIs there anybody out THERE??? (Pink Floyd) 😀
August 23, 2010 at 3:35 pm #131878
Member+10000000000000000 on better tracking, I had a Digitech HarmonyMan and the tracking was quite a bit better. If this didn't have all the extra doodads, I would've stuck with it. C'mon boys, let's get an update going!!!!!!
August 25, 2010 at 11:07 am #131892
Memberhi to all,
i have got eventide pitchfactor from more 1 year,
and i thikn it need this update:
1) pentatonic, pentatonic minor, blues, scales in Diatonic and Quadravox. i can not to understand why eventide, can not to have in pitchfactor, the most usefull scales…
2) more long delays
3) more modulations in Harmodulator. more modulations will be nice for new sounds
i cant to wait the new update, i hope that stuff is working on it.
August 27, 2010 at 3:39 pm #131909
Memberhi to all
I 'd like this updates
1) a pan control (L/R) for the effects, in this way with the stereo output I could have 2 different sounds from a mono source.
2) change the name's preset
September 16, 2010 at 6:37 pm #120753
Swimming Bird
MemberI know this comes on the heels of a new update, but for the next one I
would love to see an LFO mode for the LPF in Octaver. I really want
dubstep sounds, and this is all the PF needs to pull it off. -
September 16, 2010 at 7:25 pm #120754
Swimming Bird:
would love to see an LFO mode for the LPF in OctaverSounds nice – we'll add it to the list. Main possible issue is the fact that you would need two more knobs to control speed and depth of modulation.
September 16, 2010 at 11:05 pm #120755
Participant". . . on the heels of a new update . . ."
New Pitchfactor update? Did I miss an announcement?
September 21, 2010 at 9:14 am #131968
ParticipantI have the same problem. The synthonizer tracks my bass poorly. I have the source set for bass, and all other effects track with little error, it's only the synthonizer that is problematic. It is passable on the G & C strings of my six string bass, but on lower notes it's very glitchy, so much so that it's virtually un-useable.
September 27, 2010 at 4:43 pm #120795
ParticipantI think they need to find a way to allow us to Attentuate the volume for the Harpeggiator. I have not been able to use this live because the volume level increases is so drastic.
October 13, 2010 at 1:35 pm #120856
I'm SOOO with you on that! what i plan to do is get the LFO Mod box (link above) and put it through the Exp. input. I've been looking to making some dubstep through guitars. I haven't tried this yet but it looks good on paper lol
October 13, 2010 at 2:24 pm #132061
ParticipantUpdate to add swell to Diatonic effect.
I know the Harpeggiator has this feature that delays the attack time for the repeats. It would be nice to have it on the other modes to emulate string pads.
Two phrase Harpeggiator
It would be nice if we could also have the choose of, instead of overlap, having one go after the other. So instead of a melodic pattern it would produce a more rthymic pattern.
Better tracking is always a plus i have yet to find a setting for a good twelve string sound. Does anybody know of a good preset?
November 1, 2010 at 4:13 pm #120926
ParticipantI would love it if the Crystals setting would trail off when bypassed
November 2, 2010 at 11:07 pm #132129
Swimming Bird
MemberHere's an idea — could you use the 'flex' button to toggle between envelope and lfo modes? That way you would be able to use the depth and sensitivity controls for depth and speed instead.
November 3, 2010 at 4:35 pm #132131
ParticipantPolyphonic, polyphonic, polyphonic mode!!!!!
I watch the comparison between pitchfactor and the HOG to make my decision. I choose the Picthfactor for the diatonic delay mode but the tracking on the HOG is miles away. There should be a dedicated DSP chip for chords.
November 30, 2010 at 9:44 am #121063
Member"I would love it if the Crystals setting would trail off when bypassed"
November 30, 2010 at 4:06 pm #132213
Hi Quintessence,
Like all the effects in PF, Crystals should already be able to trail off when bypassed by changing the bypass mode to DSP+FX. You can set this mode in the system menu. To enter the system menu, hold down the encoder and the right foot switch. By turning the encoder you can access all the different system options for the PF. Find the one that says BYPASS, and enter it by pressing the encoder. Turn the encoder until the screen reads DSP+FX, then exit the system menu by holding down the encoder and right footswitch. Now you should hear trails.
November 30, 2010 at 8:16 pm #132214
ParticipantIt does not trail when you change from 1 channel to the other. it only trails when you bypass the current channel you are using.
channel 1 : bypassed = trails
Channel 2 : to Channel 1 = no trails
When i play the crystal effect to immitate a synth, my next riff is a lead part with delays on the other channel. I switch from crystal to my chorusy delay setting and the crystal effect cuts out immedietly resulting in an unnatural interruption of sound.
December 4, 2010 at 9:46 am #132244
MemberYes, as I saw your post I did remember having read in the manual when I first got my Pitchfactor that in "true bypass" mode things would not trail when switched.
Thank you much for taking the time to respond….
February 4, 2011 at 1:21 pm #132708
ParticipantI will would like to have the ability to trigger a pitch with the dynamic of lmy playing like an eveloppe filter except it will be a enveloppe pitch.
February 11, 2011 at 7:40 pm #132757
MemberOutput MIDI Note/Velocity information
A new feature I would like to see on the pitchfactor is to have the pitchfactor output MIDI note and velocity of the incoming signal that it is harmonizing. Seeing as the pitchfactor is capable of diatonic harmony this information must be available in the pitchfactor for ouput.
February 11, 2011 at 10:28 pm #132759
Member+1 – Ouput of MIDI Note/Velocity
I could definitely use this!!
March 17, 2011 at 5:55 pm #121744
MemberHere's my 2 Cents!
First off, I'd like to be the 1,000th customer to second the custom scale feature idea, preferably in the form of a software editor. Trying to program something like that in pedal could be useful in an emergency, but otherwise seems like it might be a bit complicated and tedious.
Also, since I'm a sax player, it would be nice to see some system presets for horns and/or voice. I'm sure the synth lead is pretty close, but it'd be a good marketing move if nothing else to target a wider audience of people who are starting to use pedals.
Finally, and this might be a stretch, I personally could use a 4 voice chromatic pitch shifter. This seems like it might be easier than the included 4 voice diatonic setting because it would use fixed pitch ratios, but maybe not.
Dave Dolengewicz
March 17, 2011 at 6:04 pm #121746
You might want to consider an Eclipse, which would appear to have what you want. Obviously, it costs more, but it certainly does more !!
There are limits to what one can reasonably expect from a stomp box – a rack mount system tends to have more capability.
March 17, 2011 at 6:35 pm #132973
MemberI think economically I'd be better off getting two Pitchfactors and using both outputs on my preamp!
When I get to a level where I can, as a sax player, show up to a gig with a rack and be taken seriously I'll consider it.
March 17, 2011 at 6:58 pm #132974
Sax player, eh. I see your problem …
March 17, 2011 at 7:36 pm #132976
MemberCome to think of it. If it's a hardware limitation that would prevent the Pitchfactor from having a 4 voice chromatic setting, that's understandable and I'm sure in a few years technology will catch up and somebody will come out with a compact device to do it. However if the Pitchfactor is physically capable of such processing (which I believe to be the case since it already comes with a 4 voice setting) than Eventide's reluctance to include such a setting is likely a matter of price point so that consumers are driven to pay the higher price* of a rack mount unit only to use a few of their options. Perhaps you might consider offering paid upgrades for certain high end features and customizable options. That way you can generate capital and consumers can get the few features they need without having to buy the whole kitchen sink. As you say "obsolescence is so 20th century."
Thanks for listening!
*As stated earlier, spiting my signal and using 2 Pitchfactors would produce 4 chromatic voices at half the price and with a smaller footprint than the Eclipse although it would potentially be more of a hassle to sync up.
March 17, 2011 at 8:11 pm #132978
ParticipantI can't imagine it would be that difficult to sync the two as the Factors have great Midi Sync abilities.
you would set one as the "Master" set it to transmit midi and time and then connect them up with a midi cable. set the master as the time source and then the Slave as to slave the midi time.
Admittedly I have not set up two of the same factors, but I have used TimeFactors and PitchFactors together so I do not see why it would be any different.
it sounds more complicated to write it down than it actually is….and I was a Midi noob
March 17, 2011 at 9:09 pm #132980
Member@badmelonfarmer. No that does make sense and I'm sure it would work beautifully. I would have to split my signal and then rejoin it down the line which could be a little tricky or require more pedal board space. By difficult to sync I was mostly thinking that In order to get 4 different voices, I would have to program a different preset for each Pitchfactor and keep track of them separately. And even though that would mean mentally having to juggle two different things, it would lend itself to some interesting flexibility.
March 18, 2011 at 3:51 pm #132982
Participantabsolutely, would be a bit of a PITA….but if you thought about it being two separate pedals… you would have to program two separate units if it were say delay and reverb.
I agree it would be a bit of a mind meltdown trying to remember which one is doing what.
If you have any clips, would love to hear what a sax sounds like running through a PitchFactor?
March 19, 2011 at 1:04 am #132986
Member@badmelonfarmer I don't have any videos up yet. I'm starting a blog saxpedalblog.com that where I will demonstrate this and other pedals via saxophone, but I need more time to get some posts together. In the meantime here's a video of a saxophonist with a pitchfactor to check out. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5lLdzp9Nhzg
March 19, 2011 at 2:27 pm #132988
Thanks for the link, really interesting!
Never heard anything like that on brass… really interesting.
March 24, 2011 at 1:42 am #121789
MemberI would like to be able to switch the way you load presets from having to use the foot switches to using one of the knobs. The way I use my PF by hand really makes it hard to do much and you pretty much always have to use your hands until you get the presets you want saved. I'd rather reach up and turn a knob with a guitar in hand as the PF sits at the top of my rig and I use a FS3X to turn it on and off.
March 24, 2011 at 9:12 am #121790
Participanthmm, personally I would not want this to be the default method, I can understand it being an option, but not the default.
Personally I think I prefer the way Space handles presets having used them both recently.
Although I use Midi for changing presets,
March 24, 2011 at 5:42 pm #133018
MemberYou can also use the Encoder to select the bank… might save you some time, although you'll still have to hit the footswitch to recall the preset. I've found this feature to be a little tricky (touchy maybe is a better word), but it's useful.
From the release notes for v2.3.0[2]: "In Bank Mode, the Encoder can now be used to select banks in either direction if turned within 2 seconds of pressing a bank change footswitch. "
April 26, 2011 at 2:02 pm #133313
ParticipantWhen source is ENVELPE, a possibility to change the attack time would be great (to slow).
Same for the ModFactor, the enveloppe is useless without this feature.
June 27, 2011 at 7:43 pm #133558
ParticipantWhen using the learn function In Diatonic or Quad algrithm it would be nice if playing a minor chord could change the scale from Maj to min
January 24, 2012 at 8:32 am #134183
ParticipantCan someone at eventide explain to me exactly what the advantage is over having the source set to GUITAR if the BASS setting has better tracking? and what is the unit doing differently in these two modes?
I have a POG2 and I wish that I could get the Pitchfactor to do the same sounds it does, as well as it does it, I do understand that there will be improvements in the new version though… the octaves on the POG2 track better and they also have a kind of punch to them that I can't seem to get out of the Pitchfactor.
Would it be possible to change the Crystals preset so that the delay time will go down to zero? even if the repeats won't play in reverse anymore, I would like to be able to dial the delay back and use the reverb on it's own… maybe a longer reverb decay would be great too.
Would like to see a bit more intense filtering possible on the Micropitch effect too. Is that something you guys could potentially change?
May 23, 2013 at 8:04 am #135388
de Haan
MemberA pitchcorrection/auto-tune option for "Diatonic" would be really nice when using the pitchfactor for vocals. It seems that al the tracking and correction algorithms are already there.
This would make it a serious competitor to T.C.'s Helicon products I guess…
May 23, 2013 at 8:06 am #135389
de Haan
MemberA pitch correction/auto-tune option would for the "Diatonic" mode would be really nice, especially when using the Pitchfactor for vocals. It seems like the pitch tracking and correction algorithms are already there.
This would make the Pitchfactor a serious competitor for T.C.'s Helicon products I guess…
May 23, 2013 at 8:08 am #135390
de Haan
MemberA pitch correction/auto-tune option would for the "Diatonic" mode would be really nice, especially when using the Pitchfactor for vocals. It seems like the pitch tracking and correction algorithms are already there.
This would make the Pitchfactor a serious competitor for T.C.'s Helicon products I guess…
May 24, 2013 at 12:57 am #135392
ParticipantQuote:A pitch correction/auto-tune option would for the "Diatonic" mode would be really nice, especially when using the Pitchfactor for vocals. It seems like the pitch tracking and correction algorithms are already there.Agreed, and not just for vocal input. I posted a series of similar questions a few years back; with a bit broader implementation in mind. It could be a useful enhancement and performance technique.
June 28, 2013 at 12:17 pm #135452
Themis Vellos
ParticipantEventide I
would like to have a slice control feature in crystals mode because this way it
would be easy for me to achieve the crystal echoes effect which is an eventide classic
since H3000. I just can’t reproduce this sound right now. -
July 6, 2013 at 7:31 pm #135459
July 9, 2013 at 1:59 pm #124612
ParticipantI have said this before but will post my request for the Harpeggiator Algo:
I would like to have pre-delay added to the Harpeggiator to Pitch A/Pitch B. This way the lines will be offset and give more rhythmic options.
What I would REALLY want is to redesign it so you can input a custom 16 step sequence but that's not bloody likely.
I would also like a hold function on the sequence so in continues to play until a new pitch is detected. it would make this smoother if you're trying to cover notes through out the neck of the guitar.
November 15, 2013 at 5:46 pm #125031
for us PitchFactor users that are looking forward to v4.0 update
November 19, 2013 at 8:00 pm #135832
ParticipantSince imerkat bumped this, I'd like to take the opportunity to reiterate an earlier post of mine:
It would be great if the maximum delay time in Quadravox could be
increased to 4000ms. With four voices, the maximum delay between
each voice when evenly spaced is only 350ms. I'd like to have up to a full second between each voice. -
December 5, 2013 at 2:38 pm #135870
ParticipantAnother Request to Fix Crystals. When choosing the pitch, it jumps from 10c 10 492c. Yesterday I had to use the encoder to set (very slowly) anything in between. but then it won't save it! I needed 200c for one pitch and after I saved it went to 520c?
hopefully this isn't just my pedal so can anyone confirm this if it hasn't yet?
December 8, 2013 at 4:48 pm #135881
ParticipantQuote:I had to use the encoder to set (very slowly) anything in between. but then it won't save it! … hopefully this isn't just my pedal so can anyone confirm this if it hasn't yet?I don't think that this is isolated to any one algorithm. The fine tune encoder adjustment doesn't get 'saved' reliably in any parameter adjustment. I noticed this when the feature first came out, but I never put together a definitive recipe. That's been my experience, and I simply avoid encoder adjustments when programming permanent presets.
December 8, 2013 at 9:28 pm #135882
MemberI love this stompbox…..I use it for tenor saxophone. My one and only request would be having the ability to set the output level with an expression pedal. The toe down of the pedal being a lower volume level than the toe up.
This would be great for horn section parts (toe down) verses sax solo (toe up).
Thanks for listening
December 10, 2013 at 9:31 am #135883
Participantplease add the low pass setting in H910/949 mode, in order to set the filter, not fixed like now
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