is it possible to buy 1 extra license for the H9 plugin bundle?

Home Forums Products Plug-Ins is it possible to buy 1 extra license for the H9 plugin bundle?

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    • #162874


      I have a question about the H9 plugin bundle.
      To my knowledge the bundle limited to a max of 2 computers via ilok…. and both of these are already in use in my studio.

      I recently use an extra laptop for on the road and i was wondering if there is a possibility to upgrade the H9 plugin bundle to 3 computers.

      If so… how am i about to do this and what is the price of 1 extra license.
      Couldn’t find any information on this topic so hopefully someone here can help me out.

      Thanks in advance

    • #162879
      Eventide Staff


      I’m sorry but we cannot offer a third activation for a plug-in or bundle of plug-ins. If you wish to activate your bundle elsewhere, I would suggest putting one of the activations on an iLok dongle and moving it between two locations. Otherwise, you will need to purchase a second license to be able to have more than 2 activations.

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