is it possible to use one h9 in the effects loop of two amps at the same time?

Home Forums Products Stompboxes is it possible to use one h9 in the effects loop of two amps at the same time?

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    • #112325

      I am getting a Radial ABY pedal tomorrow and I was wondering if it would be safe to run a couple of H9s in the effects loop of both amps at the same time, IE using the "Y" mode?

      i was thinking of sending from one amp through the left channel and sending from the other amp through the right channel, and then back to each respective amp.

      so one guitar, two amps, and a shared dual mono FX loop.

    • #127512
      Eventide Staff

      It's probably safe enough, but you have a risk of ground loops, giving extra hum and noise.

    • #127513

      Well, I tried it out and works great! The Radial does its job and the H9 appears to be true stereo all the way through, so I am getting a really rich, thick sound out of my two amps simultaneously and in stereo. 

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