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February 23, 2013 at 10:09 am #109620
I just got a KMI softstep and am new to MIDI controllers. It almost works, but…
Has anyone managed to get this (interesting) MIDI device to send out a single foot-press CC message which can toggle the Eventides' internal functions such as RPT, BRAKE, LOOPER Play etc.? ? So far I can get this all to work but only with 2 foot-press hits.
Many thanks to anyone who can help
February 27, 2013 at 3:30 pm #124328
ParticipantI'm familiar with that controller, but never purchased it. I can only offer some generalities from my own controller setup with the PitchFactor. I'm hoping that may help you to work out the specifics.
You'll want to emulate the momentary action of the Eventide switches using MIDI CC messages. It sounds like you're very close, so there's no need to go into matching MIDI Channels, MIDI CC numbers, system settings, etc. For whatever CC number that you've selected in each device, there'll also be a CC value sent. It will also has a valid range of 0-127.
A CC value of 0-63 is considered "off", while 64-127 is "on". Most times it's safe to call 0=OFF, and 127=ON. From your description, it appears that you're getting an ON with one foot-press, then an OFF with the second foot-press. What you want to do is to emulate what a MIDI keyboard does: Push down a key for ON, then it sends OFF when you release the key.
For the SoftStep, you'd want a Foot On (or equivalent) to send a CC value of 127, with a Foot Off sending a CC value of 0. A brute force approach might have two Modulation lines set up like that – to the same CC number – without any other modifiers and variables in those lines. There may very well be a more elegant method (using toggles and such) that can be set up in a single Modulation line.
I'm working from the SoftStep manual here, with no real way to check it or provide an exact recipe. I hope this gets you pointed in the right direction.
February 27, 2013 at 9:42 pm #124331
ParticipantWow! Thanks a lot for that Brock – I wish you'd written the KMI manual !!!
I'll try now to apply the wise words and also (here's the latest knotty issue) to get the LEDs to switch on/off logically. I will update this post if I ever get that to work; thusly other Eventide users can see if the KMI works with stompboxes and if it does, how.
Meanwhile, just to say thanks for all your PF posts, they inspire us all to reach for greater things with our stompboxes. Here's a small conundrum for a Time Factor I chanced upon one dark night…
MIX – WET: 100
Dly Mix = A:0 +B:10
FB-A = 28
FB-B = 0
XKnob = 4ms
DMod: = 0
Speed = 100
FLT = 1I have wondered why TPTB limited the XKnob at 3ms. I want to know what happens if you were set it to 1ms, or less… btw, it sort of works best if you play single notes and stand on your head…
February 27, 2013 at 11:02 pm #135259
ParticipantQuote:(here's the latest knotty issue) to get the LEDs to switch on/off logicallyTo his credit, KM is trying to pack a ton of configurable features into a small footprint (literally). I'm sure that Eventide can sympathize. It's a balancing act to make something highly configurable and still easy to use. That said, the SoftStep manual does read like it was written by an engineer.
You sound determined enough that this will all come together after a few passes. The LEDs seem to respond similarly to computer logic: Think of "trues" and "Ons" as anything above zero, and "falses" and "offs" as zeroes. You almost have to look at the SoftStep as configuring a whole pedalboard with a lot of devices. This plugs into that; this one acts better at the front than the end of the line; these should be connected in parallel instead of in-series. Lots of experimentation, limited successes, then more successes built on the last victories.
Quote:I have wondered why TPTB limited the XKnob at 3ms. I want to know what happens if you were set it to 1ms, or less…Probably the same thing that happens if you slammed your car from Drive into Reverse without passing Neutral. It's an audio crossfade setting between splices. If it's too short, you're going to hear a pop or a click sound (audibly, or psychoacoustically). Here's a related visual from SOS. If it were 1 ms. or less, one segment would abruptly slam into the next. The midpoint would be near 0.5 milliseconds, and that would definitely produce a loud glitch.
Quote:it sort of works best if you play single notes and stand on your head…Reverse audio is a little different in EventideLand. It can be an advantage and a disadvantage. Other Reverse delay units seem to capture an audio input, reverse it, and then 'stream' the rest of the reversed audio following it. Eventide units work in discrete chunks of time. In your preset above, the TF would capture a whole note phrase, then reverse it, while capturing the next whole note phrase.
At least that's the way I understand it. If it's a 100 ms. buffer, the reversed audio is coming out in increments of 100 ms. That's why people think that a zero feedback setting still returns back more than one reversed repeat. Any audio that 'leaked past' the first 100 ms. chunk gets played back (reversed) in the second 100 ms. chunk. With dual delays, it gets even more convoluted.
BTW: I think that you meant to have the Delay Mix = A10 + B0 in your preset above. Don't you hate it that there's no 'edit post' function in this forum? That makes me *so* careful when responding here.
February 28, 2013 at 10:01 am #135261
ParticipantMany thanks again!
In the absence of an "edit post" here's an edit of that setting – The DlyMix to be as is. It's not exactly a delay setting as such, more like a ring mod but I thought it would be something you (as a PF afficionado) might find interesting 🙂 as it does funny things to Pitch …
MIX – WET: 100
Dly Mix = A:0 +B:10
FB-A = 0
FB-B = 0
XKnob = 4ms
DMod: = 0
Speed = 0
FLT = 1Having XKnob at 3ms seems to give a tonal centre of Eb, 4ms gives a tonal centre of Bb (I think). NB: it's not concert A=440, which is why I would *love* to be able to get a couple of decimal places on the XKnob setting 🙂 – i.e. perhaps 2.87ms would give exactly Eb concert? Same goes for quite a few other parameters in these lovely stompboxes (i.e. BPM!), I keep ending up at brick walls thinking "Hmmm, I wonder what's behind there?". More decimal places please in an extended FactorLib "Edit Console" window gets my vote.
Meanwhile I will think on what you say. It's very interesting. And yes, the Eventide REVERSE algo is different from, say, the Line6 DL4 which does that standard Are-You-Experienced style emulation. The Eventide algo is something very different and, I think, fresher (iyswim)
All very best, much appreciate your input. I will continue bleeding on the KMI edge with my limited brain-cell but you're right – Mr. Keith deserves full respect for his efforts and I will keep trying on that and if I succeed I will post it here
February 28, 2013 at 5:32 pm #135263
ParticipantQuote:… you (as a PF afficionado) might find interesting 🙂 as it does funny things to Pitch …Indeed I do. That was my misinterpretation of the preset; I see where you're going with this now. And, you're right: There are a lot of cool possibilities to explore when NO DELAY actually means minimum (internal processing) delay. I posted on of my favorite PF base settings here. That just scratches the surface in this interesting area.
It sounds like you've also uncovered some of the 'resonator' settings in other algorithms (a few milliseconds – lots of feedback – static flanger). The AdrenaLinn III built half of a multi-FX box around that. I spent many a long hour trying to 'muscle' my way through reproducing the 'tuned delay' parameters and sequencing in that. (I was to include some of that in a synthesizer preset collection that I collaborated on).
I never got it as far as I wanted to. Now, there's got to be a formula for resonant delay time-to -frequency/pitch. Lo & behold, I find myself doing another preset collection for the DSI Evolver. Some of the same product designers, and featuring tuned feedback. Long story short: I hope to have some more transferrable information on the specifics of tuned delays & feedback here soon. I just got an Evolver desktop model within the past week.
The same data should apply to Eventide 'boxes with delay features of any kind. Of course – as you pointed out – fractional milliseconds are going to be problematic. I realize that there are other contributing factors to an exact delay 'pitch' beyond the exact delay time. But if a real 'need' can be demonstrated, who knows?
February 28, 2013 at 10:17 pm #135266
ParticipantHi All
Back on Thread:
The folks @ KMI say you have to set the "Foot On" modline with a gain of 127 in the "1 Lin" table. It works! Phew!Back off Thread:
As for these special "resonator" settings (as Brock puts it). I just found one on the TF that continues making a (not entirely horrible) noise even when you hit BYPASS *and* also have SPILL set to OFF. Weird eh? One would have thought Bypass meant Bypass. But it doesn't. Me, I think that's a good thing. It means that there are dstill areas in these boxes where we are "not meant to go". Therefore…WARNING: some of these "resonator" settings are quite dangerous in terms of volume! So please be very careful, set the MIX to 1 and then play about…
Even Further off Thread: Also, has anyone else noticed that hitting RPT when in BYPASS still switches the RPT function on (even if there is nothing – theoretically – there to be RPT'ed). Except (see above) there could be…
- Request to TPTB: I have scoured the Forum and cannot yet find a discussion of the RPT button (which I like a lot). If anyone knows where it is hiding please post it here
December 30, 2014 at 11:39 pm #137877
ParticipantI just scanned the thread… I am using a softstep 2 w/ 3 factor pedals and having good luck. So far it is a matter of setting up the CCs in the pedals and then realizing when to use linear or toggle. It is also important to set up the range. I have not set up anything too crazy but after a bit of a learning curve, it has become more straight forward.
July 16, 2015 at 12:26 pm #139745
ParticipantREanimating this thead in case anyone is watching. For those of you using Soft Step — are you plugging directly into the pedal or going through the MIDI expander?
February 13, 2018 at 4:19 pm #148412
ParticipantJES wrote:REanimating this thead in case anyone is watching. For those of you using Soft Step — are you plugging directly into the pedal or going through the MIDI expander?
I’m setting up the SoftStep2 with an H9 now, using the MIDI Expander, so I don’t have much experience yet. But I know you need the MIDI Expander to get the MIDI cable port. The SoftStep has USB connection that works with my MacBook but I don’t think it communcates with pedals by USB directly. I never tried to connect the H9’s USB to my computer at the same time that the SoftStep2’s USB was connected, so I can’t confirm that they will or won’t talk like that but nothing in the documentation I have seen suggests that it works that way or by directly connecting a USB cable.
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