Linear phase option for SplitEQ?

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    • #160661

      Hey, I’ve been testing SplitEQ and it’s absolutely amazing. My only caveat has been that I can’t use it as my go-to EQ because I work a lot with Voiceover and it’s just not transparent enough – there’s quite an audible difference when I A/B between SplitEQ, and Fabfilter Pro Q3 with the linear phase option activated.

      Are there any thoughts to add a linear phase option? This would make this the absolute ultimate EQ for me.

      Also would be great if it’s possible to do a precision drag vertically where the horizontal axis is locked

      Other than that amazing work!!

    • #160665
      Eventide Staff

      Hi, thanks for your feedback. We’re looking into the possibility of a linear phase option, but I can’t give you any sort of timeline of when that may be added.

      I’ve also logged your request for the single axis precision drag suggestion.

    • #160675

      Hey, I’ve been testing SplitEQ and it’s absolutely amazing. My only caveat has been that I can’t use it as my go-to EQ because I work a lot with Voiceover and it’s just not transparent enough – there’s quite an audible difference when I A/B between SplitEQ, and Fabfilter Pro Q3 with the linear phase option activated.

      Are there any thoughts to add a linear phase option? This would make this the absolute ultimate EQ for me.

      Also would be great if it’s possible to do a precision drag vertically where the horizontal axis is locked

      Other than that amazing work!!

      You can restrict horizontally by dragging the up/down arrows on the band editor instead of the handles. If you’re really into a very powerful and precise way to control EQ accurately and are on PC, I highly suggest buying a Surface Dial and installing a program called Elephant. Elephant allows you to click anything and then adjust the value with the dial. Works amazingly well in SplitEQ, Fabfilter, all VSTs in fact. Nice little demo of a mastering engineer using it here. It’s now in v2 and has come a long way since v1.

    • #160705

      Cool! Thank you both. tbskoglund much appreciated for your reply, cool that you are thinking about the linear phase option.

      hockinsk that surface dial looks interesting, probably not something I’d be into getting though. It’s true that you can drag horizontally using the band editor, it just feels a bit clunky if I lift the EQ, then need to go to the band editor to adjust Q and db, whereas in others it’s possible to use the scroll wheel for Q and then a hotkey for vertical axis – much more efficient.

    • #161539

      I would also love a linear phase option

    • #174270

      me too please add linear phase otherwise i had to buy a new linear one… thanks

    • #175962

      Adding my +1 to the linear phase request. I’d love to see everything (literally) with resizable GUIs, but a SplitEQ linear phase mode would be nice for some of the more extreme cuts I’ve been doing with it.

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