Logic Pro crashing with H90 Control?

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    • #166739

      Anyone else having issues here? I’m just getting to grips with the pedal and trying to edit on control whilst using Logic to loop some sounds. Is anyone else experiencing a constant crash on Logic when changing parameters on H90 control?


    • #166750
      Eventide Staff

      Hi JFlannigan, can you give us some more insight into how you’re using H90 Control? Are you running the standalone H90 Control app at the same time as a Logic session?

    • #166755

      Yeah, I’m running logic and sending out of my interface into the h90 and back into logic. Then I’m using the h90 control as a stand alone at the same time. Everything functions until I change any parameter within h90 control, then logic crashes.

      it’s clearly something to do with my setup, I only came to this forum as I know Logic well and wondered if this was a conflict anyone else has encountered. Any ideas?

    • #166758
      Eventide Staff

      We cannot reproduce this issue.  Can you give us more specifications please? What operating system are you using? What is the software version on your H90? What version of H90 Control are you using? What version of Logic are you running?

      Here’s one thing you can try, go into the Audio MIDI setup and in the MIDI view, delete the H90. Reconnect the H90 to establish a new line of communication. See if the problem persists.

    • #166760

      Thanks for the insight Joe. I think I found the issue with your help. I disabled MIDI transmission to Logic to the H90 and now its working perfectly. I had to do this in Logic itself. While this may not be the most scientific diagnosis to the issue, I won’t be sending or receiving midi while using H90 control so it works for me. In case anyone has a similar issue I’ll say my specs…


      Logic Pro X 10.5.1

      H90 CONTROL – SW ver –

      Audio Version 1.873

      Panel Version M:1.415


      These are the most incredible algorithms. You guys have truly smashed this. This is going everywhere with me, and im sure I’ll spend the rest of the day making my own presets.

      Worth noting, John O’Mahony, (who mixes all of my music and is one of your affiliated artists I believe) tipped me off to this release and with my H90 and his H9000 I think we’re going to have a lot of fun!!



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