I bought my TimeFactor online, as few shops seem to retal it here in the UK, certainly none in Wales. So I was unable to test it before hand, and took all the great reviews on faith. A test in a shop would have prevented purchase, I suspect. How did noone notice the looping glitch? I'm deeply disappointed that the clicks present in the loops are still not fixed, even with the Beta 2. I'm not remotely technical, but it seems a basic function of a looper that it should do so seamlessly, as do, for instance, the two Lexicon JamM(e)n I've had for a decade and the DL4. It's not so much the crossing point which appears to be the problem – there are recurrent clicks which occur at 8 second intervals, almost as if the internal clock is ticking off a cycle of seconds (8, 16 & 24 etc).
As remedies, I've tried different guitars, leads and configurations with the same
frustrating end result. I've even switched from milliseconds to beats
on the display, but clicks keep occurring. The only way I've found of
eliminating it has been turning the mix to approx 20% whilst recording
the loop, then returning the level to 50% wet/dry, which seems to work
until new material is added to the loop. Most disconcerting.
I've yet to really get into what the rest of this box can do, but the shine has worn off pretty quickly for me. Eventide has a great reputation, and I dare say derervedly so – I trust that this bug can be fixed promptly, to make the box truly usable.