Low Volume in Output 2

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    • #111628

      Hi all

      I was using my Eventide Space today and noticed the signal from output 2 was around 12db less than the one from output 1 (considering the measures from my RME Fireface 800).

      I have the same problem using bypass (which I think is in DSP mode) or effects.

      If the unit is powered off, the volume is the same in both outputs.

      What can be the problem?

      I tried to factory reset my unit, the problem didn't fade…

      Not sure what more I should try…

      Thanks in advance,

      All the best


    • #125946
      Eventide Staff

      Do a test, feeding the same thing with the same cable from output 1 (output 2 unconnected), then reverse the output connections, and see what happens.

    • #125947


      I have tried switching cables, but the result is always the same, the cable connected to Output 2 has lower output volume.

      I have tried the different volume options (guitar, amp, line), but the result is always the same.

      Using Line/Line, I noticed that there seems to be around 12db of difference between the two outputs, with both.

      But from what I can see in the RME Fireface 800, both outputs from it have the same level, so the Space should receive the same level of signal in each input.

      Connecting the cable just to input 1, I get the same kind of difference, with the same levels.

      Connecting the cable just to input 2, the difference is much smaller, close to 5db of difference, and it seems the signal from output 2 is around 3db lower when compared to the previous case (output 1 is around 10db lower).

      Unplugging one of the outputs doesn't seem to make a change on the other output.

      I was looking in the manual, and it seems the only changes in the volume are the the ones from the switches and using the buttons as detailed in the Setting Output Levels.

      Any other way this can be done?

      I guess this shouldn't matter since I restored factory setting on it…

      Shall I try to replace the Firmware?

      I noticed there is V5.0 now, but it's still a beta, right?

    • #136665
      Eventide Staff

      Don't think changing the firmware will help. The full V5 is now available, but there were only a few changes from the beta.

      I assume this happens on all presets.

      You don't  say what you are connecting the outputs to – if you exchange these, does it make any difference ?

      My guess is that it is something at your end, but there is an outside chance that it is a hardware fault.  If you think this is the case, support@eventide.com

    • #136666

      I didn't have V5 beta installed in it (my unit is from February 2013, and am unsure it was ever updated… I have it since the end of last year).

      The asymmetry in the volumes happen with all presets it seems, and the difference seems to be constant at around 12db (at least using only input 1)

      At least whenever I use bypass it is still visible.

      I have my unit connected to my RME Fireface 800, but swapping the cables at one end, I get the same result at my sound card, the signal coming from output 1 is louder than the one from output 2.

      I have tried my Eventide ModFactor and it works well (I even tried the Eventide power supply that came with my Space and the other power supply I got with the ModFactor).

      But is it supposed to be possible to change the volume of L & R independently?

      I was told it's possible, but I checked the manual and could only find how to change the output volume (global, not L or R) and that there are two switched for the volume too, but those don't seem to make a change…

      I guess I'll try to update my Firmware before contacting support…

    • #136667

      By the way, where is the full V5 available?

      I could only find the beta version…

      I want to try and install the new firmware, since sometimes some problems get solved when the firmware is installed again, but would rather install the latest one right away rather than the old 4.0.0Devil (mine is still at 3.2.0[10]).

      Guess that probably won't do it, but I'm sure it's worth a shot.

    • #136668

      V5 is not a beta. V4.5 was the beta release; it was out for about six weeks and no one found any problems with the beta.  But we put out a new official V5 release earlier this week.  Instructions on how to download and install V5 are in this forum post:


    • #136672
      Eventide Staff

      There are some built-in self-tests that can check the audio hardware – if you want to try them contact support@eventide,com for information, referring to this entry.

    • #136686

      Thank you all for the support.

      I just updated the system to 5.0 but the problem is still occurring.

      I will contact the support now.

      Thanks again,
      All the best


    • #126241

      I think my H9 same thing happens.
      I was going to make the measurements of the levels this afternoon, because I've been working attenuating the outputs.

    • #126249

      Sorry. I was wrong.
      After measurement of output levels i can verify that they are correct. I think my problem is in the effect loop setup and the use of different signal levels on each side stereo.

      I continue with the investigation.

      Sorry again.

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