Micropitch pedal and Expression pedal issue..

Home Forums Products Stompboxes Micropitch pedal and Expression pedal issue..

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    • #165996


      I have a Micropitch pedal that Im very happy with, great job, I use 5 presets I made and go between them during songs, my only problem is that when I engage a new preset it doesnt start where the expression pedal is set (expression pedal is always conmected). My presets are made to use with the expression pedal as they go way wetter when I push the expression pedal in the toe down fully pressed position while they are very subtle when expression pedal is heel down (up position). I put the expression pedal in the heel down up position before changing preset but when I engage a new one it starts way wetter (basically like if I had the expression pedal in the toe down full pressed position), can you please help me?

      Thanks, Best Regards

    • #166002
      Eventide Staff

      Have you tried resaving your presets when the knob settings are in the heel position?

    • #166008

      Thanks for your reply, will check

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