MicroPitch pedal question

Home Forums Products Stompboxes MicroPitch pedal question

  • This topic has 11 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 1 year ago by udi9.
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    • #163806

      From time to time, when using my MicroPitch pedal, I see the LED of preset 5 flashing.

      Can someone please explain why is it happening?

      I think I read somewhere that it flashes when you change something in the preset, but here it happens even if I’m just using the preset and not touching any knobs.



    • #163807
      Eventide Staff

      Hmmm, that’s peculiar. Are you using a an expression pedal with your unit?

    • #163808

      Hi Joe,

      No, not using an expression pedal, but I do have catch-up mode enabled.

      BTW, it happens regardless of the preset I’m using. I can be on preset 1 and still see preset 5’s LED flashing….(it flashes only for a second or two).

    • #163809
      Eventide Staff

      Aside from blinking when editing a preset, I’m not aware of any reason the LED would behave like this. I recommend contacting support@eventide.com to document the behavior. Perhaps they can troubleshoot what is going on. In the event it’s a faulty LED, the pedal is under warranty.

    • #163810

      Thank you, Joe.

      I’ve tried recreating the LED’s behavior for 45 minutes, but couldn’t. It seems that it’s just random.

      I’ll try to pay closer attention to every action I do on the pedal, maybe I’ll understand when it’s happening.

      Do you think that maybe I should try a factory reset?

      Other than that the pedal works flawlessly and sounds incredible. One of the best purchases I’ve made in years.

      I’ll also contact support, as you suggested.

      Thanks again!

    • #163811
      Eventide Staff

      It definitely couldn’t hurt to try both a fresh install of the firmware and a factory reset. Support may even ask you to do that first. Basically, following instructions beginning at 22:51 of this video.

      I’m happy to hear you’re enjoying your MicroPitch Delay!

    • #163813

      Those videos are fantastic – That’s what made me pull the trigger on this pedal 🙂

      I reinstalled the firmware and did a factory reset. I’ll give it a couple of days and see if the flashing LED is coming back.

      Thanks for your help, Joe!

    • #176954


      I have absolutely the same issue with my Micropitch preset LED blinking every 30-50min

      Did you fixed it somehow?

      If not , despite this blinking is your still Micropitch alive and kicking?


    • #176955

      HI! I have absolutely the same issue with my Micropitch preset LED blinking every 30-50min

      Did you fixed it somehow? If not , despite this blinking is your still Micropitch alive and kicking?
      My pedal was under warranty and I got a replacement unit. However, after a few months the new one developed the same behavior, so now I’m just ignoring it. Doesn’t seem to affect the usability of the pedal. Still works and sounds great.
      • #176970


        Thank you for your reply!

        Now I feel much less anxious about this blinking

        Happy New Year, btw !

    • #177438

      Hey @udi9

      I was talking to the Eventide support, looks like they found a software lag in the Micropitch. They now released a special update, please check your  EDM.

      I updated my device seems it is fixed now.

    • #177466

      Thanks for the heads up @Restlesshead

      I’ll definitely take a look.

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