midi controller with the factor pedals

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    • #111718

      Are there any firmware updates coming that will allow me to send expression over midi as well as use a midi controller like the Midi Moose that doesn't have an input for expression? Sending the expression from the last pedal in the chain and merging that signal with the midi moose did not work at all. I only have expression wherever I plug the expression pedal in. No matter how I set the output on the pedals, it will not transmit. Before I eBay my four factor pedals and get an Axe-Fx, I would like to know if there are any firmware updates coming that will allow the pedals to use a single expression pedal and a controller.  My midi signal chain is as follows:

      1. Midi moose

      2. pitchfactor

      3. space

      4. modfactor

      5. timefactor

      6. rjm y-not

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