Midi – Question Regarding Outputs

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    • #107548

      Apologies for the noob question.

      I have a Musicomlab EFX MkIII operating as a MIDI controller, connected to a TimeFactor, ModFactor and PitchFactor. All units are set to OUTPUT = THRU in the MIDI menu in order to receive program change and CC messages from the controller.

      However, as the EFX does not have a tap tempo, I'd like to use the MIDI clock from one of the 'Factors to set the tempo on all 3. Also, I'd like to use an expression pedal plugged into one 'Factor to send CC messages to the other 2. I know these functions are both possible if one of the 'Factors is set to OUTPUT = XMT. However doing so will prevent the signal going from the controller to the other 2 units. 

      So is there any way to use an external MIDI controller to control 3 Factor pedals AND pass CC/Clock data from one pedal to control the other 2?

    • #121380
      Eventide Staff

        You can do this but you will need a "MIDI merge" unit from a company such as MIDI Solutions (about $60).

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