missing presets

Home Forums Products Eurorack Modules missing presets

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    • #173685

      Hi, i’ve hade the Misha for a while not had time to delve now i have but i had some problems connecting to edm so i factory resetted Misha, its on latest firmware and i went through diagnostics and seems fine but cannot find/load any presets or scales at all only ionian dorian phrygian lydian mixoldianaeolianlocrian, button combinations to change presets do not work ie shift down scale button or buttons -4 -3 -2 etc,do i have a faulty unit or am i missing something though i have manual and all videos mine cannot atm btw i sent details to support

    • #173699
      Eventide Staff


      Sorry for the issues you are having. I see that you have reported this via a support ticket, and I can provide troubleshooting information there.

    • #173701

      Hi tbskoglund,currently pressing shift down and either key or -4 -3 -2 etc does not allow me to access any scales apart from 7 modes of major scale


    • #173702
      Eventide Staff

      Thanks for the information. I have responded to your support ticket and can continue helping you there.

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