ModFactor: Issue with Midi change after an update to 5.2

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    • #113612


      I just update my Mofactor in 5.2 and now I have the following issue;

      I use a  Voodoo Lab Ground Control Midi controler, when it send a change to the ModFactor

      for a Factory Preset all works perfectly (as with my previous version of the MF os the 3.5).  

      Now, when the controler sends a change for a Modified Preset,  that preset is loaded but not  made Active (the MF is in bypass mode). This is in particular the case with all my User Presets!

      In fact if a preset is modified and saved the problem appears.

      I carefully check the parameters but I probably miss something?

    • #144002
      sateven wrote:

      I carefully check the parameters but I probably miss something?

      Maybe, this wasn't always true, but nowadays, if you save a preset as bypassed, when you load a preset with a MIDI program change, it will load as bypassed.  If you save it as active, it will load as active.  So, please check and make sure that your user presets are saved as active.  You should be able to see this in H9 Control.  You could also just make a preset active and resave it directly on the ModFactor.

    • #144016


      Yes!  Re saving in active mode works perfectly

      Thanks a lot

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