Modfactor : Stereo to mono

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    • #105911

      My Modfactor is plugged in stereo in my mixer.

      Is there a way to switch the effects to mono iniside the modfactor ?

      I want to keep the phaser in mono but to have the chorus in stereo.

      Thank you

    • #118002

      ModFactor senses whether one or two 1/4 inch jacks are plugged into the inputs and outputs. If you want to run ModFactor in mono, just make sure that only one input jack and one output jackare plugged in.


    • #118003

      I already know that the point was to doing it without unplugging it.

      Thank you for your answer.

    • #129147

       Adding the option to choose stereo or mono from within the System mode is something that might be possible in a future software upgrade. I've added it to the list of feature requests.


    • #129171

      I've suggested this in the past too. I have my pedalboard hooked up with everything wired for the possibility of stereo – that way if I'm at a gig which affords two amps I just plug the second amp in and stereo is good to go. On single amp gigs I lose part of my Time Factor's functionality because the twin delays do not work the same when there are two cables plugged into the pedal with only one audible output. I don't yet know what the Mod Factor does in this case cause I haven't gotten it on the board yet. I would love a system setting which allows the options of: Auto (current default of the Factors), Stereo, and Mono.

    • #133351

      Not to beat a dead horse, but I gig in mono but record in stereo and would greatly appreciate this kind of software solution for ModFactor instead of having to add and remove cables on an already complex pedalboard.

    • #133352

      Actually, as an intermediate solution before any software revisions get implemented, it would be very helpful if Eventide could post a list of which algorithms would fail to work properly if the ModFactor (etc.) was hooked up in stereo but the final out from a pedalboard went to mono.  That way we could organize our patches into a stereo group vs. a "safe" mono group that would still work.  (I could figure it out by trial and error but it would be very tedious because I would have to plug and unplug the stereo ins and outs dozens of times.)  By the way, I'm very appreciative of the fact that Eventide has been responsive to user input in the updates.  It was a factor in my decision to go with this gear.

    • #149362

      Curious on the progress of this request. Yeah, I know, 7 years later; still worth a response from Eventide for us forgotten ‘Factor users. 



      • #153071
        batflash wrote:

        Curious on the progress of this request. Yeah, I know, 7 years later; still worth a response from Eventide for us forgotten ‘Factor users. 




        I am vey interetsed in this as well! This functionality would make a pedalboard stereo/ mono ready with a quick system setting change. No need to unplug any cables.

    • #169791

      It is a bummer that Eventide has never chosen to implement this relatively simple feature that would help many of us out who run both mono and stereo rigs through the same pedal. Being able to set the Factor pedal to mono or stereo over MIDI would make my life so much easier. Unplugging cables to do this is less than convenient on a modern pedi board.

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