More presets for the Ultratap Pedal?

Home Forums Products Stompboxes More presets for the Ultratap Pedal?

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    • #162977

      I note that the Ultratap plug-in has 150 presets. The pedal (hardware) version has far viewer. Is there a way to “port” some of the software presets to the pedal using the Device Manager, or  alternately is there a way to see the settings of the software presets such that I could attempt to duplicate them (manually) on the pedal?

      Is there any forum tor site that shares new creative Ultratap Pedal presets?

    • #162978
      Eventide Staff

      Hello blessed7,

      Because they are not the same file format, it is not possible to port the presets from the plug-in to the pedal. You can download the plug-in using the 30-day trial period and try to imitate the settings on EDM. That’s probably your best option. At the moment, there isn’t a resource for downloading presets, but we’re working on it.

    • #162979

      I assumed that the software presets were not compatible with the pedal. Thanks for your suggestion. I hope that there will eventually be a way to share pre-sets. It can be a very valuable resource.

    • #164092

      And news on Ultratap Pedal Preset Sharing?

    • #164099
      Eventide Staff

      Hi blessed7, we’re aware people are asking for preset sharing, however, it is not a focus for us at the moment.

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