Multi Channel MIDI Implementation ?

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    • #106507

      Hi folks,

      I'm a relative midi noob but have a set up as follows:

      Midi foot controller -> Pitchfactor -> Modfactor -> Timefactor -> Midi controlled amp

      I understand I have to control each of the four devices on a separate midi channel and that I get my foot controller to send PC messages on those channels in order to select patches simultaneously.

      My question is can I do the above yet still use the Pitchfactor as midi clock source for master tap tempo for the other devices ? If so, how do I set that up ?


    • #119184
      Eventide Staff

      If you want to chain the units like this you have to set them up for MIDI THRU (so that they will pass incoming messages to their outputs).

      This means that you cannot have any of the pedals generate an output. Meaning, that you can't use any of them as a MIDIclock source. Sorry.

      Your best bet will be to find a MIDI foot controller that generates MIDI clock. If such exists. Or, more likely, some kind of MIDI merge unit such as MIDI Solutions Quadra Merge.

      What you are trying to do, while possible, is fairly advanced for a guitar setup, so it will be a learning experience. Or maybe, character building.

    • #119189

      Thanks for clarifying, sounds like I might be making a
      rod for my own back. I'll check whether my floor controller generates midi clock
      but I doubt it does. I'm assuming that if I abandon the idea of midi clock my
      other assumptions are ok and that the individual devices tap tempos would
      continue to work in isolation ?



    • #130315
      Eventide Staff

      Didn't say it was impossible, just difficult.

      For example, if you had a MIDI merge device (a small box with a few MIDI in and one MIDI out – the ins are merged together carefully, and then fed to the out), you could set the first Factor to MIDI out and all the rest to MIDI thru.

      You then feed the first one from the pedalboard and connect its out to the merge unit. You also connect the pedalboard to the merge unit which feeds the other pedals. This will allow you to get MIDIclock from the first Factor and feed it to the others, while also allowing the pedalboard to control everything.

      If you are using all these units as described, you probably will want a single tempo source.

    • #130318

      Thanks, how many midi in vs outs would the merge box need ? Can't see, to find any with any more than two of each.

    • #130319
      Eventide Staff

      You need a merge box with a minimum of 2 in (one from pedalboard, one from PF) and one out.

      See attached drawing.

    • #130324


      Thanks for taking the time to reply in such detail and thanks for the diagram. I'm sorry I'm so clueless – I think I'm almost there but can you clarify what are the two pedalboard outputs ? Does it require two midi outs or some kind or Y cable ?


    • #130330
      Eventide Staff

      Oops, sorry. You may also need a MIDI splitter box (sometimes known as MIDI Thru box) to generate the second pedalboard output. I've added it to the diagram.A splitter cable may or may not work.

      4 way splitters and merge units are available from the good people at MIDI Solutions and many other vendors.

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