Musicom lab timefactor and modfactor

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    • #107364


      i'am using a timefactor midi with a musicom lab EFXII and it works great to change presets also i just bought modfactor and i plugged them in cascade then i can't change presets  like for exemple

      preset 1.2 on timefactor and 3.1 on modfcator it change only one device and the same preset even  i guess something has to be done in the midi setting or in the musicom to be able to use PC1

      and PC2 

      hope you can help me

    • #120979

      Hi Kanifi,

      First make sure that the MIDI/OUTPUT setting on the Factor pedals is set to 'THRU.' That way you can cascade MIDI from one pedal to another via the OUT/THRU MIDI jack.

      To set which presets will be called up, go to the MIDI/RCV MAP menu and you will find MIDI Program change numbers in the left column and corresponding Factor Presets in the right column. You can change which Factor Presets will load for each MIDI Program change sent by your musicom lab unit.


    • #120981

      thx a lot for your answer

      will try it

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