Musicomlab MKiii + Midi + 3 Factors + Expression Pedal

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    • #111060

        Hi everyone,

        First, I want to appologie for my english, I'll try to explain the best I can, I speak french…

        Well, I recently bought a Musicomlab MKiii (I know that some post talk about that) and I try to figure out how to control my 3 factors with it. Not a problem at all, all works properly. In a second time, I would like to control all parameters of my 3 factors via an expression pedal. I first try to connect my ExPed in my EFX MKiii and the best I could do is to control the first factor in the chain. After that, I tried to connect my ExPed in the first of 3 Factors (already connected through my EFX MKiii) and the best I could do was to control the second Factor… 

        I'm really poor with any MIDI connection, never had to use that, always consider this like a pain in the ass, but all I want is to do everything I want from my setup!!! I seen on other post some solutions via MIDI merger and splitter, quite interesting, but I want to be sure that those solutions will work. Don't wanna buy anything before being sure of the results. Does Factors provide power to the MIDI Solution merger and/or Splitter and/or MIDI Sport??? Does it needs 5 pins active MIDI cables? Or did you find how to operate all this without buying anything else???

        So please, if anyone got the perfect solution, I would really appreciate if you could help me!!! If someone got the answer, please give me the answer!!!! If possible a drawing too!!! 

        Thank you so much!!!!


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