name timefactors presets

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    • #105984

      hi, I've sort of suggested this as a new update….but had a detailed dream about it the other night….pretty weird…anyway.

      in the preferece mode where you select how many banks you want and all the other stuff….you could have an option titled bank title and once you go in to it your 2 choices are factory (titles) or custom (titles). This way…even with you renaming the presets they will always be 1-20 and you can simply go from custom back to factory and have it work the way it does now where you scroll by Bank:1 , Bank:2, etc…

      In doing this you would rename the banks name and the name of each of the 2 presets

      for example…now you have Bank 1 and then in side bank 1 you have Bank 1:1 and Bank 1:2.
      in the "custom mode" you would rename Bank 1 whatever you wanted and then come up with an abbreviated version of the title for the presets.

      this is an example of what the factory banks titles look like and what you could potentially do if you were renaming Bank 1 with a song called "Walk This Way".

      Factory Custom
      Bank 1 WT Way
      Bank 1:1 WTW 1
      Bank 1:2 WTw 2

      This way..when your scrolling through songs live…you won't have to remeber….um…which song is bank 13??? which song is bank 9??!!! which song is bank 7??!!! you can scroll by title of the song….AND… can revert back to the factory bank titles setting in a matter of going to the preferences menu and switching from "custom" back to "factory" (saving your custom names though so you can always go back to custom without losing the names you've given).


    • #120786

      I want this really bad!!!!! great suggestion!

    • #120842


      naming presets has been a on the wish list for years, loads of people have asked for it, check out the TimeFactor feature request theread….

      the last update I read from Eventide was that they were looking into how best to implement it and it would come at some point.

      I had hoped that this would be in the last update, but unfortunately not…. but aparently they are working on the next update so fingers crossed on this!



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