Noise using dual mode/ inserts

Home Forums Products Stompboxes Noise using dual mode/ inserts

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    • #168912

      Maybe an unusuall set up.  I am running the H90 in dual mode going guitar -> h90( path 1) -> Amp -> Ox box -> H90 ( path 2 ) -> to interface.  I always get what sounds like ground noise from the OxBox back to H90.   If I go guitar -> amp -> Ox-> H90 there is no hum. This way I am not using inserts or dual mode.

      I moved everything to the same power outlet and set stuff from Ox to H90 as line level but still get noise when using either dual or inserts.  Any thoughts?

    • #168930
      Eventide Staff


      It sounds like there is a ground loop in your setup somewhere, but it is difficult to troubleshoot this remotely since there are many variables in your setup.

      What amp are you using? Are you able to test this configuration with another amp?

      Is there any hum when you plug the output of the Ox Box directly into the interface without going through Path 2 of the H90?

    • #169034

      Hi, Running into a Princeton and also tried a SV20H.  Both have the same problem.  There is no hum going directly to the interface from the Ox Box.  Path one in that case works great.  Understand how hard it is to debug.  Any suggestions would be welcome.


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