Pitchfactor Firmware from File

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    • #114032


      i have troubble with my pitchfactor. 

      During updating from 3.5. to 5.2. the pitchfactor crashed and after restart its always in update mode.

      With the Eventide direct updater the pedal can’t be found over USB, but if i use midi In/Out something will be found. But the device is not with serial no, its -INVALID-

      I guess now i can update the pitchfactor and bring it back to live, if i have the firmware, but i can’t found it in the internet.

      Can you help me?





    • #145831
      Eventide Staff

      Bad news, I'm afraid. The "INVALID" message means that the software has been damaged to the point that it has to come back to us to be fixed. Sirry.


    • #145835

      Hello Nick,

      I found a windows update utitly, a bootloader and a v5 beta in the forum and i get it working, BUT i didn’t read properly and installed accidentally a timefactor firmware.

      At least its not broken and it runs, but now i need the timefactor firmware…

      Before i updated and it crashed i had another problem. The pitchfactor boots up and seems to run (switch programs and do anything), but i can’t activate any effect. The “active” button doesn’t work. Do you have any idea what that is.

    • #145838
      Eventide Staff

      I'm sorry that you are having trouble, but I must refer you to my previous message. Once you get that "INVALID", you're done.


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