please help to get a FAQ straight

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    • #114756

        I have a registered TimeFactor and am about to buy a H9 core. 

        I have read the FAQs but need to understand how to connect the TimeFactor to the H9 in order to get the two more free algorithms.

        Maybe having both of the pedals in front of me the procedure could be obvious but as I have said, since I only have the TF at the moment I would like to get more info about the connection that must be made.


        thanks in advance!

      • #149314
        Eventide Staff
          PaoloSMN wrote:

          Maybe having both of the pedals in front of me the procedure could be obvious but as I have said, since I only have the TF at the moment I would like to get more info about the connection that must be made.

          Connect both units (H9 through Bluetooth/USB/MIDI, TimeFactor through USB/MIDI) to H9 Control on your Mac or PC, register them with the same Eventide account. Then you will be able to buy two free algorithms for your H9 in H9 Control. 

        • #149315

            thanks, now I get it. looking forward to find the h9 available at my shop and take it home (end of next week they say).


            I would need to make 2 more questions (hope you will forgive the OT),


            1 from the manual it looks like the h910/h949 algorithm does not have modulation but on various preset lists of the same algorithm I have seen choruses and phasers. can you help me solve this mistery?


            2 always about the h910/h949: if I haven’t got it wrong, the only difference with the micropitch algorithm is an “eq” control, am I right?


            thanks again.

            • #149318
                PaoloSMN wrote:
                … 1 from the manual it looks like the h910/h949 algorithm does not have modulation but on various preset lists of the same algorithm I have seen choruses and phasers. can you help me solve this mistery? …

                I’m not sure about those preset list references, but it’s possible to get “chorus-like” and “phaser-like” (flanger-like) effects.  Slightly detuned voices create a ‘beating’ effect with a somewhat similar result, using a different method from slightly offset delay times.

                PaoloSMN wrote:
                … 2 always about the h910/h949: if I haven’t got it wrong, the only difference with the micropitch algorithm is an “eq” control, am I right? …

                Actually, there’s true modulation rate & depth there, as well.  This link might help to explain the differences:


              • #149319
                Eventide Staff
                  PaoloSMN wrote:

                  1 from the manual it looks like the h910/h949 algorithm does not have modulation but on various preset lists of the same algorithm I have seen choruses and phasers. can you help me solve this mistery?

                  2 always about the h910/h949: if I haven't got it wrong, the only difference with the micropitch algorithm is an "eq" control, am I right?

                  H910/H949 shifts and delays the pitches, and the pitch module is in the feedback loop so the delays are shifted again and again if feedback goes on. If you set the pitch to some value close to 1.000 (frequency multiplication factor) and set the delay time to really small number (like 20 ms), you will get subtly detuned sound with small delay. With your original dry sound, what will you get? – CHORUS effect.

                  H910/H949 can shift the note from 2 oct down (freq * 0.250) to 1 oct up (freq * 2.0), while MicroPitch only shifts the sound from -50c to 50c, and it has a modulation module. In a word, it's Micro Pitch focused.

              • #149344

                  Thanks again!

                • #149430

                    hello, I have plugged both the pedals via usb, I have managed to use the free coupon that comes with the H9 but when I try to use the two coupons from the TF the H9 control gives me this error. how can I fix this? thanks in advance

                  • #149431

                      ops, think it worked regardless of the error message as I can see the algorithms that I have bought colored, I’ll let you know!

                    • #149432

                        used the coupons and bought the other algorithms needed. thanks again!

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