Powering Two H9’s with a PP2+ and PP4x4

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    • #112535

      Hey guys-

      I was getting noise issues with my last board and decided to rip it all apart and start over. When I rebuild, going to see if I can troubleshoot and find the problem with the board. I run a Musicomlab, Timeline, and want to add the H9's. The musicomlab uses the 12v plug on my 4×4. 

      1. Is one H9 cool to run at 12vdc 400ma? If so, do I use the red cable?

      2. Would I use a current doubler for the second H9 on outputs 5&6 into a red cable as well?

      Here's a pic of my board: http://i6.photobucket.com/albums/y228/megamustaine1338/FullSizeRender3_zps00b087fb.jpg

      I'm ditching the El Cap in favor of an H9, and i think everything else should just be standard 9v operation. I guess I'm going to need to daisy chain some units that don't use a ton of power. Should I daisy chain off of the 9vdc 400ma output on the 4×4? I'll be daisychaining my tuner (no signal goes through it), Disaster Area Midi Controller, Expressionator, and Mission SP-1.

      Thanks for the help! All the power stuff can get confusing.

      Also, when building a board, is there any protocol for wiring power cables relative to instrument cables with the least amount of noise? Thanks.

    • #139145

      you’d need to run both H9s at 12v 400mA. They’re center positive, so yes the RED CABLE is paramount (or if you pick up Eventides Powerfactor 2, the green cables). 

    • #139146

      The 9V current doubler should work, too. Sorry. 

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