Pre/Post with 2 H9s and one amp fx loop

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    • #141810
      Eventide Staff

      Not quite sure what you mean. If you are thinking of having 2 (PRE) in series  before the amp, and 2 (POST) in series in the effect loop, that will be no problem.

      There might be some issues with a parallel effects loop, but that is the nature of such things when used with moere than one effect.



    • #141811

      I told you I was confused 😉


      What I’m wondering is, can you hook up a pair of H9s in to an amps series FX loop and have (say) H9#1’s patch tell it to be pre, and H9#2’s patch tell *it* to be post  ?


    • #113090

      Hi there,

      I’ve got myself a bit confused about this, (and I’m having to theorise as my H9s have been delayed from my supplier – doh)

      I have seen that it is possible to set up an H9 so that it is pre/post the amps front end on a per-patch basis.


      Is it at all possible to connect things so that each of 2 H9s works that way? Or not?


    • #141812
      Eventide Staff

      We're all confused …

      But, the answer to your question is – YES.

      You have to tell the unit if you want to be in PRE/POST mode, but after that, you can set PRE or POST on a preset by preset basis.


    • #141813

      Yes sorry I know I’m not explaining it very well. 


      How would the connections go then for the 2 units? I’ve seen the onstructions for getting 1 H9 in to a loop so it can be selected pre/post but what connects to where when there are 2 H9s in play? 


      thanks for your patience


    • #141814
      Eventide Staff

      I think you would connect channel 1 in series (second input 1 to first output 1), and channel 2 in series (second input 2 to first output 2).


    • #141815

      Brilliant, thank you

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