Pre-Purchase Question

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    • #107606

        I really want a Pitchfactor.  Those of you who have had one for a while..would you buy it again?  I'll probably get it anyway but it never hurts to ask….

      • #121488

          Yes.  without a doubt.

        • #121490

            that's good news as i anxiously await its arrival….lol

          • #121491

            The PF was the first Eventide I bought and I would do it again in an instant without a thought. It was so good that it "inspired" me to get the TF and MF, too, and now, I have a Space on pre-order. The PF continues to inspire me everytime I play through it… simply an amazing processor!

          • #121493

            I'd probably look at what else was out there but all thing being equal, I most likely buy the PF again. I pretty much bought it for diatonic harmony on ONE song that we do, but it is our signature tune and we're making enough to justify it. Since I've been using it live, I've always been confident it will do what I want and not glitch. That alone was worth the price of admission for me. 

          • #132697

              Got my Pitchfactor yesterday…went thru the manual and got the hang of the banks and presets…If I hadn't been into electronic gadgets prior to this it would have been a bit say the  I heard some great sounds..but it's not quite what I expected.  Some of the sounds I can't see where I would use them right now.  Can't wait til the weekend when I will have time to really get into it and see what's under the hood.  I ran it straight in a Line 6 SpiderValve 212..and on some of the higher gain settings it didn't sound to good..In general do fellow users find it works better in fron or thru the effects loop?  Really don't want the fx loop as I plan to add this to my pedalboard..again that was my initial impression and I am hoping that will change…

            • #132698

              I've used the both in front and in the loop. To me, in the loop sounds better; it seems to track better. I can't say I was overly impressed with the factory presets, but there are a lot of great sounds in there. It just takes some work to find them. "Daunting," I think, may be an understatement, but it's really easy to use once you get the hang of it. I think there's always a trade-off between ease-of-use and flexibility, and I think Eventide found a great balance between the two.

            • #132699

                Thanks Timothy..I upgraded to v3 and the presets there seem to be a lot better…yeah this is a high powered piece of gear but I'm already getting the hang of it….

              • #125033
                Given To Fly

                  The first time I play a PitchFactor I wasn't impressed. The second time I played a PitchFactor I was impressed. The 3rd time I played a PitchFactor I was completely blown away! Plus, I was playing the one I owned! Yes

                  With the knowledge I have now, I might try a Space but ultimately I'd buy another PitchFactor. 

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