Preset selection request

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    • #108816


      I have a Modfactor and Timefactor on my board. They are controlled (just for patch changes), by a Musicomlab Switcher that has a MIDI output. Works great.

      However I also have an AUX switch, (from t1m) that can control both my eventide pedals. This has 5 foot switches. 1 is a common switch that controls tap tempo on both units simultaeneously. I have set up the other switches to give bank up and dow for both of my eventide pedals.

      What I would really love is that instead of having to Bank up and Bank down, please give me the facility to just scroll through the presets, one by one, and have the pre set name displayed as I do so. When I find a preset I want to play then I can select it on the unit. It must be possible to do this?

    • #123506


      have both pedals to and looking for a solution to switch fast thru the presets like you. I've build a small midi controler that only sends programm change messages and it works very well with my whammy 4. But it doesn't work as I would like with the eventide pedals and I have to programm some work arounds first.

      Problem is, that the TF goes to bypass mode when it recives a programm change message and the MF goes into active mode. What I need is, that they stay in the mode that they where in. 

      My midi controller has no input so I can't check or notice in what mode the pedals are in the moment.

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