Problem updating to the new beta timefactor software

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    • #107420

      I'm using a Mac with OSX. I've downloaded the new utility update, but when I install it and try to run the program, I get the following error: 

      EUU is unable to find the master settings file "/Library/Application Support/Eventide/EventideUpdateUtility/etc/settings.xml".

      Please check the installation before proceeding.

      When I go into my library/application support folder, I don't see the eventide folder in there. I've installed the update multiple times now and it never creates this folder.  When I go onto the website, this update utility is the only one available for download.  How am I missing this entire folder?

    • #121080
      Eventide Staff

      This is a file that is placed there by the installer. My guess is that you have access rights or file privileges set up wrongly, and it was unable to put it there, and for some reason failed to report this.

      I would suggest you check this and then try an entire installation again.

    • #121082

      I don't think that's the case….because I have to input my account password and i'm the admin for this computer.  The only thing that's getting installed is the actual update utility, and that gets placed in the application directory.

    • #132233
      Eventide Staff

      I think my initial thought was correct, but I have been known to be wrong.

      There is little further we can do from here – next step is to try another computer. Sorry.

    • #132434

      I installed Eventide updater software with admin account. But i got same error message like you when i tried to run the software.

      So logged in as root and added read & write rights to /Library/Application Support/Eventide/EventideUpdateUtility for my account.

      After that i logged in with normal user account and updater software works ok.

    • #132685

      I had the same problem with the most recent version. Navigating to the directory in finder end up showing me that I was not on the "EventideUpdateUtility" directory access list (even though it was my account that installed it!).

      What I did notice however was that another user account was on that list (that didnt install it nor has ever used it). Is it possible that the install is somehow only adding the first user (admin user?) to the list?

      Just a thought!

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