Rebel Yell “Ray Gun”

Home Forums Products Stompboxes Rebel Yell “Ray Gun”

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    • #107661

      I have TF, MF and PF.  I have been experimenting with all 3 trying to get the ray gun sound.  The problem with time factor is that time factor doesn't offer fast enough modulation speeds.  I hope eventide offers faster modulation speeds for time factor in an update.  I have experimented with some phaser settings on mod factor but haven't had success yet.  Anyone else achieved this sound?  I'll keep trying and post when I get something reasonable.

      PS  The sound was easily obtained on the line 6 dl 4 via echoplex setting and turning the modulation knobs to taste.

    • #121615

      Pitchfactor makes a pretty good raygun with harmodulator.. Set it to modulate pitch with a triangle wave, up two octaves, speed to fairly fast.

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