request: Assign MIDI Notes to switches + Tempo on/off as destination

Home Forums Products Stompboxes request: Assign MIDI Notes to switches + Tempo on/off as destination

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    • #113430


      i think it would be great if it was possible to assign midi notes to control the H9 in addition to CC..

      also, tempo on/off should be added as destination. seams to be the only switch not controllable over midi for some reason ..


    • #143253
      Eventide Staff
      nihad wrote:


      i think it would be great if it was possible to assign midi notes to control the H9 in addition to CC..


      Probably not hard to do – the main issue is that it would be hard to specify how it would work. What should a given note value do on each of (maybe) 50 diverse algorithms ? You see the problem. If you have answers, we'd gladly look at them.


      • #143255
        nickrose wrote:

        nihad wrote:


        i think it would be great if it was possible to assign midi notes to control the H9 in addition to CC..


        Probably not hard to do – the main issue is that it would be hard to specify how it would work. What should a given note value do on each of (maybe) 50 diverse algorithms ? You see the problem. If you have answers, we’d gladly look at them.



        well, there already are parameters, that by nature are “switches”, as destinations for incoming CC-s (active/bypass, hotswitch, inc/dec preset, looper functions, etc), so not an issue really – Note data is perfect for those as well, and you could for example congifure the controller to be toggle or gate. This would allow controllers that can’t send CC on buttons..

        For knobs it might not be as intuitive, but could still allow people to toggle between values in a fedined range, as knobs are set today, tho it’s not as essential as the obive mentiones scenario..

      • #143269
        nickrose wrote:

        Probably not hard to do – the main issue is that it would be hard to specify how it would work. What should a given note value do on each of (maybe) 50 diverse algorithms ? You see the problem. If you have answers, we’d gladly look at them.

        Couldn’t it work pretty much the same as CC?  Use the note value of the note-on message in the same way as the CC number and the velocity as the CC value. That way you could (for example) use note 7, velocity 100  in the same way as CC7, value 100.  Ignore the note off messages and you’re done 🙂


    • #143259
      Eventide Staff

      Spelling aside, I think your reply illustrates the problem. Many people already consider our products to be over complex – while sophisticated users could certainly handle what you are proposing, it would confuse others. So, unless there is an intuitive need for this (maybe pitch related), probably not.


    • #143261

      oops, my god, sorry for the spelling .. should have been 🙂

      “For knobs it might not be as intuitive, but could still allow people to toggle between values in a defined range, as knobs are set today, though it’s not as essential as the above mentioned scenario..”

      I totally understand what you’re saying, and you know your customer base better than anyone else, though IMO users that set up their controllers and know what CC’s are usually know what MIDI notes are as well. Either way I presented a valid scenario, considering controllers that can only send note data from their buttons, keyboards, etc. 

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