Send MIDI CC from Space Hotswitch to Toggle Bypass on PitchFactor?

Home Forums Products Stompboxes Send MIDI CC from Space Hotswitch to Toggle Bypass on PitchFactor?

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    • #113463

      Hi! I’m working on setting up my rig. I have a few patches on my Space which I’d like to use in conjuction with the PitchFactor. I have MIDI going out form the Space and into the PitchFactor. What I’d like to do is have it so that when I toggle the hotswitch on the Space it goes to a specific patch on the Pitchfactor and turns it on. When I hit the hotswitch again, it would turn it off. Is this achieveable? If so, how?


    • #143418
      Eventide Staff

      Don't think you can easily do this – the Hotswitch can't be set up to send MIDI, and even if it could, it would be a CC rather than a Program Change. Again, expecting it to toggle the PF bypass as well as loading (two different operations) is difficult.

      I'm guessing you would need some kind of dedicated MIDI controller to do this.





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