Send midi cc values downstream on H9 preset load?

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    • #112612

      Is there a way to embed midi CC values in a H9 preset? I would like my H9 presets to include midi control change values to be passed to another (downstream) midi device. Specifically, I have a Fender Machete amplifier that toggles its effects loop and built-in reverb on/off in response to midi cc values.

      I run all my effects pre tone stack and use the Machete’s empty effects loop as a selectable solo volume boost. (I short the amp’s effects send and returns together and set the effects loop’s send & receive levels so that when the effecst loop is in, the amp’s volume is boosted.

      I would like to embed these CC values in my H9 presets so, for example, a particular H9 preset could (1) engage the Machete’s effects loop for a solo boost and (2) toggle off the amp’s built-in reverb. Loading another H9 preset could then (1) toggle the amp’s effect loop out and return the amp to a rhythm volume level, and (2) turn the amp’s built-in reverb back on.

      Forgive me if I’ve missed something obvious, but is there a straightforward way to do this?


    • #139297
      Eventide Staff

      Sorry, there isn't. This is really a job for a pedal board.


    • #139298

      That’s a strange but wonderful idea for an update. I would solve some of the issues with the current MIDI implementation though.


      And I’ve never heard of that amp before! Simply wow.

    • #139299

      s/some of/all/g



      Still can’t edit my posts, quote, leave blank subject, see the rest of the posts when I’m replying, quick reply… no

    • #139316

      Thanks for your replies. It’s unfortunate that these types of CC messages can’t be embedded in H9 presets. I do employ a midi controller/bypass looper in my rig but despite the unit’s array of nifty features it’s not capable of sending Midi CC. (It only does Program Change.) I’d hoped the H9 could provide the CC capability I’m lacking. I am at least able to achieve the solo boost via a Midi Solutions Footswitch Controller that “injects” the CC instructions for the Machete’s effects loop into the midi stream. In some respects this is better than having dedicated (boosted) patches for solos and and dedicated (unboosted) patches for rhythm; because a global volume boost can be applied to any patch at any time you kind of get “double-duty” out of all your patches. Downside is the Holy Grail of a midi-fied guitar rig — transitioning between radically different sounds with a single button press — kind of gets degraded as it sometimes takes two presses (one for the program change, another to add the boost) to get into solo mode and two more to get back out. Oh well…

      Is is possible to configure the H9’s Active/Bypass switch to send a CC value? I’m wondering if I could at least toggle my amp’s built-in reverb on when the H9 is in bypass and and off when the unit is active? I find that (with a lot of the H9 patches at least) there’s enough “ambience” in the sound already that when added to the amp’s native verb it can muddy things up a bit. I’d need to send a value between 0-63 on controller #84 to toggle the amp’s reverb off and a value between 64-127 to reactivate it.

    • #139346

      Late to the party here, but I see that you’re familiar with MIDI Solutions’ products.  Their Event Processor, and Event Processor Plus, can re-map incoming Program Changes to CC messages.  You’d need to configure one ‘event’ to pass-through the Program Changes received from your MIDI controller.  A 2nd ‘event’ re-maps the PC to CC; any CC value, any MIDI Channel.

      Ten sequential ‘events’ are available to the Event Processor; 32 to the Plus.  One more piece of hardware in the puzzle, but within the same footprint of your Foot Controller.

    • #139348
    • #139349

      Thanks for your input, Brock. Actually I’ve been discussing the prospects for the Event Processor with John at Midi Solutions. (He’s a great dude.) I’ve been experimenting a bit with Midi Solution’s programming software; so far I haven’t found a means to acheive what I’m after but admittedly I need to do more work with it before I’ll know if the Event Processor is the answer I’m seeking. In a scheme like mine it amounts to mapping three events to every preset: the pass-through PC, plus CC events for the effects loop and reverb on/off. The Event Processor Plus’ 32 settings won’t go too far unless I can find some way to get these events to operate on multiple presets.

      Unfortunately, I must report that the H9 will not power any of the Midi Solutions boxes. John tipped me off to this fact and I have verified this first-hand. Most midi devices (re: those that fully adhere to the Midi Specification) have 5V available but not the H9. I was forced to order a Midi Solutions Power Adapter to rectify that issue. Felt a bit let down again with my H9…the bloom is definitely off the rose at this point!

      On the upside, the Midi Solutions boxes fit pretty much perfectly in the recessed slot between the second and third slats on the underside of my Pedaltrain 3. (I will post a pic once I have my new pedalboard fully wired and assembled.) At this point I’m considering using all three of my Midi Solutions boxes (Relay, Footswitch Controller and Power Adapter) and if it wasn’t for this lucky coincidence I would be hard pressed to find room for them on/under my board! Can’t say anything about fitment on other Pedaltrain boards but if you’ve got a PT-3 its a nifty option.


    • #139355

      UREKA! Someone else already found it…And told me about it! Thanks robleishman, the Molten Voltage Osmosis Midi Mapper and Filter is -precisely- the solution I’ve been seeking! Ordered an Osmosis and Simi Emulator programming software yesterday.

    • #139359
      Eventide Staff

      We hope to have a solution for this shortly. It will involve simple soldering.


    • #139587

      We hope to have a solution for this shortly. It will involve simple soldering.

      Is this solution available in the meantime?

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