Tap Tempo/Aux

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    • #109463

      Can I use a single tap tempo switch like this :http://www.roadrageprogear.com/taptempo.html into one of my three Factors and have that set the tempo for the other two? This company can also make a 3 out tap tempo.    They are MIDI together and I use a MIDI Moose to switch patches.  

    • #124161
      Eventide Staff


      Yes that should be able to get the job done, so long as the switch is momentary and not switching. Depending on how the connectors are configured with the output jack from the switch, you might have to do some setup in your Factor's system settings, the user manual should have a guide for how to set this up with the Aux Switch connection. 

    • #124162
      Eventide Staff


      Was thinking about this, and I wanted to specify: the tap switch will work if you hook it up directly to the Factor, but will only transmit and synchronize to other Factors while using the first Factor in MIDI through, which you may be doing with the MIDI Moose. I don't believe a single Factor will be able to both have tap tempo set from an aux switch AND transmit that data while using the Factor in MIDI through (some digging through the user manual of whatever Factor you're using will confirm/refute this). 

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