Tempo Off parameter via midi?

Home Forums Products Stompboxes Tempo Off parameter via midi?

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    • #165143

      In many algorithms there’s a “button”: Tempo on/off in the GUI of the editor.

      Is this not controllable via midi cc like the other GUI parameters?

      I know there’s a key combination on the actual H9, but I would like midi. Not doable?


    • #165147

      Not MIDI CC/PC, but thru special MIDI SysEx System Variables it looks like this is possible…

      MIDI Sysex Messages for H9 & Factor Series Pedals

      Here’s the DISCLAIMER
      A large amount of information is stored in the form of system variable. For example, most of the information to be found under System Mode is stored as system variables.
      In addition, various control states are also indicated by system variables, such as bypass, MIDIclock present, etc. Because these system variables are so all-embracing, they should be changed with care and some forethought. The user has the consolation that any damage done can always be undone by “Restoring Factory System Settings,” as described in the User Manual (UM).
      From the above, it will be clear that the following is intended for expert users only, and neophytes or MIDIots should read no further. Little further support is available, and these should be USED ENTIRELY at your own RISK.

    • #165148

      This is my best guess without testing… it should be readable/writable under sysex doc “system variable 7”
      sp_tap_syn (x)
      x=0 (tempo off)
      x=1 (tempo on)

    • #165155

      OK, thanks a lot. I’m not unfamiliar with sysex although I know it’s time consuming to set up. I’ll save this for a rainy day. 🙂

    • #165174

      just make 2 identical presets, only one with tempo off, and use PC to switch?

    • #165185

      Yes, thanks. But I was planning to make a remote control (using a midi controller) when editing presets so that would not be very practical. But it’s no big deal. I’m just a bit puzzled since all other parameters visible are accessible by midi cc.


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