Timefactor already registered.

Home Forums Products Stompboxes Timefactor already registered.

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    • #109572

      Hi there,

      Sorry if this is the wrong place to post. Received my Pitchfactor, Timefactor and Modfactor this month, and saw there was a new update with some bug fixes. Just registered and updated my Pitchfactor absolutely fine, but when I went to register my Timefactor, it says that my pedal has already been registered. I bought them new, so they shouldn't have been registered before. Any ideas guys?

    • #124269
      Eventide Staff

      Sorry – sounds like a foul-up on our part. Please send all your details to support@eventide.com, and the nice man there will fix it.

    • #124273

      Thanks very much! Sent an e-mail off to support with my serial number. Cheers for the help!

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