timefactor and modfactor woes

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    • #105647

      I recently purchased the timefactor and modfactor and run them through the loop of my Mesa/Boogie Rect-o-verb combo amp. I was twiddling around with them for the first time today and noticed some odd sounds coming out of some of the pre-sets when I put the stompboxes through my FX-Loop. For instance, on the Timefactor's pre-set 3:1, after of few seconds of the delay a really low, rumbling sound occurs and increases in volume considerably. This noise doesn't stop until I bypass the effect. Also, on the modfactor's 2:2, there is no phaser at all, the moment I turn the effect on an extremely loud noise starts buzzing through the speakers. Bear in mind that the Rect-o-verb has a parallel FX-loop that only goes up to 90% wet. When I place the stompboxes in front of my amp these issues do not occur at all. I would much rather place the FX through the loop, however, since I play with distortion and prefer delay and mod after the amps distortion. I was wondering what the problem was? I'm guessing its associated with the parallel loop. Should I mod the loop for serial? Thanks a lot guys.

    • #117512

       Hi aandres

      your Boogie FX loop has a Mix control, not a wet one. It simply adds fx level to up to 90% of the dry sound level amount. Make sure you have NO DRY signal passing from the Eventide pedals. The manual will teach you how to engage the KILL DRY function.

      all the best

    • #117519

      Hey IDeangelis,
      Thanks for the advice. I tried the Killdry mode and the problem was still occuring. I sent an e-mail to an Eventide customer support rep and he advised me to run a buffered pedal before the amp to see if it will fix the problem (he wondered if the Boogie loop was buffered or not). This didn't work either. I'm going to try and talk to a Boogie rep, maybe he will shed light on the loop issues. Also, people on the Boogie board have mentioned similar issues with their loops and various delays so it seems like I'm not the only one. Does anyone else have any insight perhaps?

    • #128674

       I was just reading the Rectoverb manual, and it mentioned that the Master volume feeds into the Send jack. Perhaps try lowering the master volume?

      What happens when you have low master volume, low wet mix on the boogie (a few %) and a low mix on the Timefactor/mod with killdry engaged – i.e.very little of the 'factor? Does it ever sound normal (even if at really quiet volumes)? Or is it always nasty?

    • #128675
      Eventide Staff

      Hi Roobin,

      Suffice to say that shouldn't happen.  What kind of cables are you using?  I've noticed some amps have problems if you try to use balanced cables in the loop and that standard guitar cables work best. 

      Does the loop work correctly with other pedal in the loop, even just with a standard cable?  I've seen amps before that had problems with their loops, especially with with effects that include a bit of gain where they would start feeding back through the loop even at normal volumes.

      Finally, what happens when you turn the send down, did that fix the problem?

    • #128677

      Sorry Dan if I gave the wrong impression, I don't have a Boogie! I was just trying to help out  aandres. Big Smile

    • #117522

      Roobin: I tried your remedy (low master volume, low wet mix on the boogie (a few %) and a low mix on the Timefactor/mod with killdry engaged) and it worked somewhat. I could get away withplaying an few notes and no odd sounds but if I were to play quick notes in succession the problem returned. Not to mention, on Killdry mode when an effect is not engaged I can hear nothing through the amp at all. I guess in this mode it needs an effect for it to work?

      DGillespie: Between the pedals I am using evidence patch cables and between the pedals and the loop send/receive I am using planet-waves with the gold tips. Some pedals work fine in the loop while others have problems. It seems like its hit or miss.

      I spoke with a Mesa/Boogie rep and he suggested I change the loop from parallel to series. Do you guys have any other suggestions? Thanks for all your advice so far. If I do get the FX loop changed I'll definitely keep everyone posted.

    • #117523

      Roobin: I tried your advice (low master volume, low wet mix on the boogie (a few %) and a low mix on the Timefactor/mod with killdry engage) and it worked marginally better. I could get away with playing a few notes beore the rumbling sound started coming out. Unfortunately, even though this setting is slightly better, the effect is far too low for even bedroom playing and in the Killdry mode when the effect is bypassed I get no sound out of the amp.

      DGillespie: Between my effects I use Evidence patch cables and between the loop Send/Return and my pedals I use Planet Wave cables with the gold tips. Some pedals seem to work fine in the loop while others have issues.

      I spoke with a Mesa/Boogie rep and he suggested I switch the loop from parallel to series. I hope this fixes the problem. Do you guys have any other suggestions? Thanks for all your help thus far and if I do get the loop changed I'll definitely let everyone know. Thanks again


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