Timefactor: control looper via MIDI (via Ableton) ??

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    • #110935


      I'm playing in a band, running our songs from an Ableton Live timeline.

      • Ive figured out how to clock my delays by syncing up my timefactor via midi to Ableton. super!

      • Ive figured out how to automatically change between presets by assigning 'patch changes'  to a clip in Ableton. super!

      • What I would LOVE to do is control the loop functions by sending MIDI signals via Ableton.

      I want to (for a bridge section, for example) start recording for 2 measures, play that loop for 8 more measures (i know i only have 12 secs) while I play something else over it, then stop that loop when it goes to the chorus. WITHOUT TOUCHING A THING.

      Is this possible? From what i've been reading it sounds like it might be.

      Can anyone help me out?
    • #124491

      update:I think ive just figured it out but haven't tried it yet. I can assign the record, play and stop loop functions to a specific CC # (continuous control) via the [RCV CTRL] menu on the pedal.

      I've recently used these in ableton to control volume of midi notes being triggered on hardware synths…

      so I just open up the envelopes section within the ableton clip—> Midi —-> choose CC# to match your pedal.

      it should work. Trying it out today.

    • #143028


      I wanted to ask you if you’ve been able to follow up on this.

      I would like to know if I could midi trigger the looper on/off from an outside source (for example, from a midi track triggered by MPC or ableton live). I’m curious to know not only if it’s possible, but if it’s well done (if it doesn’t fall out of sync).

      • #143038
        Eventide Staff
        juanneco wrote:


        I wanted to ask you if you've been able to follow up on this.

        I would like to know if I could midi trigger the looper on/off from an outside source (for example, from a midi track triggered by MPC or ableton live). I'm curious to know not only if it's possible, but if it's well done (if it doesn't fall out of sync).


        If you have the latest firmware update for Timefactor, you should be able to do this and sync rock solid with MIDICLK.  We also added support for MIDI Start and Stop (which most DAWs send when you press the Play and Stop transport controls).  Of course, you can also use MIDI CCs assigned to various looper functions (REC, PLY, etc).  You'll want to refer to the updated looper manual for more details.  It can be found in the Looper Info tab of H9 Control, or here: 


      • #143039
        juanneco wrote:


        I wanted to ask you if you’ve been able to follow up on this.

        I would like to know if I could midi trigger the looper on/off from an outside source (for example, from a midi track triggered by MPC or ableton live). I’m curious to know not only if it’s possible, but if it’s well done (if it doesn’t fall out of sync).

        Yes, it does work relatively well on the timefactor. It’s all synced up. Although from time to time the pedal messes up the loop and it strays out of sync- like counts to 14 instead of 16. Weird things like that) I’ve been using it in my band for about 3 yrs now. i haven’t gotten the H9 looper to work well. And when I updated the firmware on the timefactor to the new version it stopped working well, so I’ve had to keep the old version installed.

      • #143043
        Eventide Staff
        xdadex wrote:
        juanneco wrote:


        I wanted to ask you if you've been able to follow up on this.

        I would like to know if I could midi trigger the looper on/off from an outside source (for example, from a midi track triggered by MPC or ableton live). I'm curious to know not only if it's possible, but if it's well done (if it doesn't fall out of sync).

        Yes, it does work relatively well on the timefactor. It's all synced up. Although from time to time the pedal messes up the loop and it strays out of sync- like counts to 14 instead of 16. Weird things like that) I've been using it in my band for about 3 yrs now. i haven't gotten the H9 looper to work well. And when I updated the firmware on the timefactor to the new version it stopped working well, so I've had to keep the old version installed.


        What exactly isn't working well with the new version?  It should by all estimates be much better than the old one.  

    • #143046
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