Timefactor – Correlation between Filter knob value and actual frequency (khz)

Home Forums Products Stompboxes Timefactor – Correlation between Filter knob value and actual frequency (khz)

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      Background: when using the Digital Delay effect, the possible Filter knob values are -100 to +100, with 0 being no filtering.

      My question is this: do these Filter knob values correspond to a frequency? For example, say I wanted a hi-cut filter at 7khz, what should I set the Filter knob value be set to? Or, to put it another way, what is the frequency cut-off point in kHz when the Filter knob is set to, say, +50?

      The reason for my question is that I am replicating delay patches from my TC Electronics G-Major and want to use exactly the same values in my Timnefactor patches.

      Thanks in advance for any insight into this.

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