Timefactor Feature Request

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    • #108884

      Is there any way to add a parallel/serial feature to the timefactor delay.  Currently both Delay A and B run in parrallel.  It would be nice to be able to set them to serial for certain sounds (ie Delay line A gets fed into Delay line B).  Dual parallel delays has it place, but sometimes it is nice to have one delay feed into another.  This would really perfect the TimeFactor.

    • #123591
      Eventide Staff

        The Filterpong delay does this already. 

      • #123600

        I thought filterpong just alternated the delays between L and R in stereo?  What does it do in mono? 

      • #123602
        Eventide Staff

          Hi parsky1,

          The dry sound first goes through delay A, which gets sent to the output. Delay B waits for the sound coming out of delay A and adds its own delay. So, for example, if delay A is set to 200 ms and delay B is set to 100 ms, you will hear your dry sound, then the sound again at 200 ms (delay A), then a third time at 300 ms (delay A + B). In mono, they both come out of the same channel; in stereo, they come out of alternating channels. 

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