Timefactor Issues

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    • #112528

      Hi all,

      Seem to be starting to have some issues with my Timefactor. Started recently when the device just started to randomly display parameter changes in the interface without it being touched. Reboot stopped it but now I've noticed that when it boots it isn't loading the preset that's stated on the device. If I select another and then go back it seems to load fine.

      Tried connecting it to H9 control on my PC which failed (could connect to my ipad!). 

      Used the update application which stated that I needed to reboot in update mode and once I did this I could see firmware version which is latest. Reboot in normal mode and again the update app and H9 can't connect successfully.

      The device also seems to be unstable with some patches fine and then when reloaded much wetter – just lots of strangeness!

      Appreciate any advice.



    • #127748

      Could you copy and paste your forum post into an email at support@eventide.com?  This might be a hardware problem, and support normally handles those sorts of issues.

    • #138947

      Will do – thanks for the reply.


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