Timefactor only passing sound when active

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    • #114741

      I was happily playing my Timefactor today without issue, but when I turned it off, it started behaving strangely. The unit will now only pass sound when the effect is engaged. I get no sound in bypass. Any ideas? Am I overlooking something obvious?


    • #149238
      Eventide Staff

      If you are running in mono, make sure you are using Input 1 and Output 1.


    • #149241

      Yes..the obvious is that Timefactor is an unstable little box needing constant updating and finessing. I’m very frustrated with mine currently. One digital pedal…sounds great but there is always an issue with something.

    • #149244

      I was plugged into input 1 and output 2.  No idea how that happened, but the issue appears to be resolved.  Thank you, Nick!

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