TIMEFACTOR Update utility and bypass problem

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    • #107260

      Hi to all,

      my timefactor don't upgrade because the software said that the configuration isn't correct and

      a new installation can resolve the problem!!! anyone has same problem? there are setting for this?

      the pedal don't go in active mode, the led don't  work when press the footswitch so with the aux

      in programmed fot tip Bypass!!! can resolve in other mode, changing the mode with midi?

      can help me?? i must repair the unit or there is a mode for put the unit alway in active mode??

      Thank in advantage


    • #120739
      Eventide Staff

      It sounds like you should contact support@eventide.com with full information.

    • #120761

      i make controll to all the bypass circuit that go in an optoisolator only and in dsp.

      all work good, the pedal go in bypass mode when i try to change an effect with the encoder, but when i change effect the switch don't go in active with the  the led active on…

      the machine pass the test in all the mode…this is only a software problem not hardware.

      I try with other pc to upgrade the unit because with 3 pc i have all the experience of other user…

      the pc in most cases don't see the unit but a midi speaker and the itility don't recognize the TIMEFACTOR….

      this is all….

      HI, to all

      scuse my poor english!!!

    • #120762
      Eventide Staff


      It sounds like you should contact support@eventide.com with full information.

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