Timefactor Volume boost – Using in a bypass loop strip

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    • #107908


      I'm getting a pretty noticeable volume boost when I engage the loop that my TF is in on my loop strip.  My loop strip is a Cusack Effects Pedal Board Tamer and my TF is in the very last loop.  Currently I'm running it in an all mono set up.  I notice the volume boost only when switching on/off the loop, but if I leave the loop on, and use the TF to bypass the effect, it's not there.  I have the TF buffer on DSP+.  Also, the Pedal Board Tamer has a selectable input buffer and I've tried both having it active and inactive and the volume boost is still very noticeable.

      Other than placing this after my loop strip, any ideas on a fix?

      I still love my TF though 🙂

    • #122214


      On the Cusack web site it says that the last 3 loops are stereo. Maybe that has something to do with it. Have you tried the TimeFactor in one of the first loops to see if the volume boost happens there?

    • #122217

      I experimented a lot last night with it..  I changed it between all the loops and that didn't make any difference.  It seems that it occurs on the "Digital Delay" setting.  More specifically when there is one delay (Delay A: 1/8*   Delay B: no delay) and the mix is still A:10 B:10.  I noticed it from bypass to active (without using the loopstrip).  When I would put it to A:10 B:0, it lowered the volume boost.  Is this a normal functionality?  If I only have one delay, should it set to be 100% that delay?  It helps if I keep the Wet/Dry Mix lower as well.  Is this just how the Digital setting works?

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