Tracking: PitchFactor vs. Eclipse

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    • #109489

      I've recently acquired an Eclipse, and I was trying to replicate one of my PitchFactor presets in it. What I discovered, to my surprise, was that my PitchFactor tracks a whole lot better than the Eclipse seems to–at least in the preset I'm trying to replicate.

      It's just some simple chords–C maj to Amin, to Emin, to Gmaj, to Dmaj, more or less. Nothing fancy. I thought maybe the Eclipse was confused because the progression doesn't really stay in one key, so I changed the scale to "chromatic". Things improved, but the A min chord can still get quite de-tuned sounding and glitchy.

      PitchFactor handles this progression and the pitch shifting (up an octave) with ease. On my pedal board I also stick a ModFactor trem in front of the PitchFactor, and it sounds fantastic.

      I guess I was wondering if I need to use a different preset in the Eclipse? I tried just about all of the diatonic shift presets (285, 385, I think were two of them). Is there any chance the next Eclipse update will include the PitchFactor algos, just as the TF and MF algos are already on board in 4.0?

      I think I might move my PitchFactor from my pedal board to the rack in the meantime.



    • #124184
      Eventide Staff

      Hi jcshirke,

      We did some fine tuning of parameters in the PF to work well for most guitars on parameters that we couldn't give the user access to (because of the more limited UI).  The good  news is that on Eclipse, you more than likely have access to those parameters.  You'll have to dig in to the processing block where the pitchshifter resides as these values are probably not brought out to the hot keys in the preset.  You may even have to put the eclipse in "expert" mode. 

      Specifically these parameters are xfade time, and minimum pitch.  A lower min pitch setting will allow the pitchshifter to shift lower notes, and polyphonies like perfect 5ths and 4ths and octaves, at the expense of a small bit more latency.  For chords, you may want to try a lower pitch.  The xfade time helps control glitches.  A lower time will result in tighter tracking, but a greater increase of chance for glitch.  A higher xfade time will do the opposite and sound a bit more flangy. 

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