Using H9 in and out of fx loop ?

Home Forums Products Stompboxes Using H9 in and out of fx loop ?

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    • #167830

      I am using my h9 with a midi controller live.

      I wanted to know if it was possible to set up presets to change routing settings from pre to post via midi cc.

      some presets are mono that would be in front of the amp.

      others are stereo to be used in the fx loop.



    • #167833
      Eventide Staff

      The H9 has a Pre/Post routing configuration that allows you to place certain presets on the “Pre” path and others on the “Post” path. You can find this setting in H9 Control by going to Pedal Settings > Routing. However, Pre/Post is limited to 2 mono paths because the H9 only has 2 inputs/outputs, so you would not be able to use stereo effects in the FX loop.

    • #167834

      ok thanks for you help.

      If i have the h9 plugged in for stereo use (2 jacks in and out) will that effect the sound if it is used mono in and out through my boss es8 loop switcher?

      i have the signal path sometimes mono and sometimes stereo depending on the order of pedals.

    • #167836
      Eventide Staff

      If you have both input and output jacks connected on the H9, the H9 will always be used in a stereo operation. If you are only processing on input/output 1, you’ll be missing the other half of the stereo image.

      The H90 can achieve a mono path for the Pre path and a stereo path for the Post path, but the H9 is not as flexible for this sort of thing.

    • #167837

      thanks for all the info

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