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Home Forums Products Rackmount H8000FW, Pitchshift, How to use WHOLE DSP via only Stereo Outputs? Reply To: H8000FW, Pitchshift, How to use WHOLE DSP via only Stereo Outputs?


 Hi Calvin

your intuition already provides the answer.

If a preset uses more than 2 I/Os and you are running your Eventide on a stereo routing,  the extra I/Os (#3/4/5/6/7/8) won't be connected. This is because the algorithm is obviously designed for multichannel apps and includes those I/Os and secondly because the unit has routings that need to be applied to use specific presets.

The trick would be:

-open the multichannels preset in Vsigfile

-add a stereo mixer at the end of the algorithm

-connect the different effects to it

-possibly create a menupage with levels (and panning is needed) for the new configurations

-reconnect the FX inputs to only inputs 1 and 2 of the algorithm

-reconnect the added stereo mxer to only outputs 1 & 2 of the algorithm 

-erase all extra I/Os in the algorithm

-store it on the computer

-send it to the Eventide

-store it inside the unit. 

There may already be presets that do what you want on 2 I/Os.

all the best