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Home Forums Products Rackmount V5.5 Beta NOW AVAILABLE for H8000FW !!! Reply To: V5.5 Beta NOW AVAILABLE for H8000FW !!!


Thanks for the upgrade!

Things that I really enjoy with 5.5 Beta:

Timefactor and Modfactor presets. I missed those real bad when selling my Eclipse. You guys put something magic in there.

New FW driver seem to behave much better. Now I can set a 64 sample buffer at 44.1 kHz  sample rate for example. It seems to be more stable over all (running XP SP3). Let's not forget MIDI clock  over DICE MIDI.

Ok. Now for things that would be nice for the full 5.5.

MIDI clock over DICE MIDI only works going into FW H8000, I still can't make the FW H8000 the master clock.

I can't get FW audio channel 1 out from the FW H8000 working, all other channels work. I saw a post on the forum here earlier and I have this problem too and no solution with 5.5 beta.

As already noted in this thread, saving the Timefactor and Modfactor tweaks. 

All in all it feels so good to have this upgrade. Keep up the good work!


Pelle G