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It's great to see the new update for H7600!! Big thanks.

Unfortunately it does not work correctly here…

I'm using 32MB CF in original Eventide (Viking) PCMCIA adapter. I have bought this card especially for Eventide, and have used it previously with success.

The problem:

Right after update is finished it stops with message „Awaiting contact” with 2 softbutons „restart” and „done”. I was waiting around 20 min – with no change.


If I press „restart” or „done” I get another screen:


„New OS version detected – return to factory defaults? (Will not erase presets) <yes> <no>”


I get the above screen after every power off/on, right after another screen saying „Restarting On… bad info”


after selecting <yes> or <no> the unit seems to work fine with new patches. Till next power off/on.

I have already formatted again the CF card, and repeated the procedure, but the result is the same.

What shall I do with it?

If you need, I have photo of every screen during update and restart.


Beta tester 😉